Thread: It isn't possible to assign a vector to a stucture is it?

  1. #1

    It isn't possible to assign a vector to a stucture is it?

    is this possible? Skins is a vector of type Skin*. pSkin is an instance of Skin*.

    Skins[VectorIndices]		=	pSkin;
    what does this error mean?
    left operand must be l-value
    Last edited by Shadow12345; 11-29-2002 at 11:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Veni Vidi Vice
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    what does this error mean?
    left operand must be l-value
    l-value means location value. By that I mean that an adress in memory where a value is stored e.i. a variable. The opposite is r-value, read-value that mean what a value can only be read e.i. literal constant.

    P.S. A variable can serve as a l-value and a r-value depending how itīs used.

    int number;
    //Number serves here as a lvalue
    number = 50;
    int number=100;
    int copy;
    //Number serves here as a rvalue
    copy = number;
    And yourīs code snippet should work.

  3. #3
    My vectors are made up of structures, when I call
    vector.pushback(new struct) does that effectively 'work'? I mean structures don't have constructors in the sense that classes do.

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