Thread: Sorting through delimiting characters

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Sorting through delimiting characters


    I am trying to write a C++ program that will determine whether a string from a file; from the set of characters "[]" form a group. If so, I want to print the
    text that is within the out most bracket group into another file. Some examples are:

    xxxx[xxxx]xxxx = [xxxx]
    [xxxx[xxxx]xxxx = [xxxx[xxxx]
    [xxxx[xxxx]xxxx] = [xxxx[xxxx]xxxx]
    x[x[x[xxx]xx]x]x]xx = [x[x[xxx]xx]x]

    At the moment I can do the "xxxx[xxxx]xxxx = [xxxx]" example and the reading to and from files I am ok with. I am lost on the thought process I should
    take in order to see if I have multiple brackets and whether they form a valid group.

    Any help would be great.

    Currently I have:
    using namespace std;
    #define OPEN	'['		
    #define CLOSE   ']'	
    int main()
    	ifstream inData;
    	ofstream outData;				
    	char filenameIn[100];
    	char filenameOut[100];
    	char lineOfText[200];
    	char chBuffer[BUFSIZ];
            char *Start;							
            char *End;							
    	int  nChar;
    	cout << "Enter filename to read DATA from: ";
    	cin >> filenameIn;
    	cout << endl;;
    	cout << "Enter filename to write DATA to: ";
    	cin >> filenameOut;
    	cout << endl;;
    		cout << "ERROR in opening " << filenameIn << endl;
    			cout << "Opening file: " << filenameIn << endl << endl;
    			inData.get(lineOfText, 200);
    			cout << lineOfText << endl << endl;
    			if (((Start = strchr(lineOfText, OPEN)) != '\0') && (((End = strchr(Start, CLOSE))) != '\0'))	
    				nChar = End - Start + 1;											
    				strncpy(chBuffer, Start, nChar);									
    				chBuffer[nChar] = '\0';												
    				cout << "The characters found are: " << chBuffer << endl << endl;
    				outData << chBuffer << endl;
    				if(!(Start && End))
    					cout << "None found" << endl << endl; 
    	cout << endl << endl << endl;
    	return 0;
    Last edited by Aluvas; 11-17-2002 at 10:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002
    That right, and thats is what is confusing me. I can't even think of an algorithm let alone the code for that. Finding one true set of "[]" was pretty simple but finding multiple complete sets is driving me nuts.

    So taking the last example:

    x[x[x[xxx]xx]x]x]xx = [x[x[xxx]xx]x]

    I some how have to do something like:

    Find start bracket [
    See if there is another start [
    See if there is another start [
    See if there is another start [

    If not another start bracket see if there is an ending bracket ]
    Else if no ending bracket found, FAIL, no valid word group

    If ending bracket found ], verify matching start bracket
    See if there is another ending bracket found ]
    If another ending bracket found ] ,verify matching start bracket
    See if there is another ending bracket found ]
    If another ending bracket found ] ,verify matching start bracket
    See if there is another ending bracket found ]
    If another ending bracket found ] ,verify matching start bracket

    Else if no matching start bracket found
    print text in the outmost '[]' set.

    I could do it this way but only if I know how many bracket sets I am dealing with. My problem is how would you loop this in a way that you could have 10, 20 or however many bracket sets and then only print the character within the out most valid set of brackets.

    I though I could do this but I may just give up on this and try something simpiler.

  3. #3
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    declare an two int variables to act as counters and initialize them to zero. Use a loop to read each char from string one at a time. if char is [ then increase Lcounter by one and send char to storage. if char is ] increase Rcounter by one and send char to storage. send all other char to storage only if Lcounter > 0 and Rcounter <= Lcounter..

    char data[80] = "x[x[x[xxx]xx]x]x]xx ";
    char newData[80];
    int i, j;
    int Rcounter = 0;
    int Lcounter = 0;
    j = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < strlen(data); i++)
       if(data[i] == '[')
         newData[j++] = data[i];
      else if(data[i] == ']')
         newData[j++] = data[i];
         if(Lcounter > 0 && Rcounter < Lcounter)
           newData[j++] = data[i];
    newData[j] = '\0';
    cout << newData;
    Last edited by elad; 11-18-2002 at 04:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User Nippashish's Avatar
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    void findBraces(char *pc)
    	int open=0, close=0, ocount=0, ccount=0, i;
    	for (i=0;pc[i] != '\0';i++)
    		if (pc[i] == '[')
    			if (ocount == -1)
    				open = i+1;
    		else if (pc[i] == ']')
    			if (ccount == ocount && ocount != 0)
    				close = i-1;
    	if (close == 0)
    		close = i;
    	for (i=open;i<=close;i++)
    		if (pc[i] != '[' && pc[i] != ']')
    			cout << pc[i];
    That's my take on it. Although it's late and I haven't tested that, I *think* it *should* work.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    So just when I thought it couldn't be done with just loops I get proven wrong. I started looking around and found the vector library and with some of those functions I started to get things going again and then I check back here today and what do I find. That simple loops can indeed get it done. Your examples have taught me a lot about loop usage.

    Thanks for the great help

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