Thread: MAPISendMessage, doesn't work on first try

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    MAPISendMessage, doesn't work on first try

    I made it work now, but it won't send on the first try. If i try again, it works fine..
    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Feb 2002
    Here's the code for the function:
    int DLLEXPORT CALLBACK sendMail(unsigned long hWnd, char *achSubj, char *achRec, char *achSender, char *achAttPath){
    	unsigned long lRes;
    	char dt[9], dateBuf[11];
    	MapiMessage *msg = new MapiMessage();
    	MapiRecipDesc *msgAvs = new MapiRecipDesc[1], *msgMott = new MapiRecipDesc[1];
    	MapiFileDesc *msgFile = new MapiFileDesc();
    	HINSTANCE h1;
    	F1 SendMail;
    	sprintf(dateBuf,"20%s.%s.%s", dt+6, dt, dt+3);
    	// Link MAPI32
    	if((h1 = LoadLibrary("Mapi32"))==NULL)
    		return(1);	// Couldn't link to Mapi32
    	//typedef unsigned long (CALLBACK *F1)(LHANDLE lhSession, ULONG ulUIParam, lpMapiMessage lpMessage, FLAGS flFlags, ULONG ulReserved);
    	if(!(SendMail = (F1)GetProcAddress(h1, "MAPISendMail"))){
    	// Fill Originator struct
    	msgAvs->ulReserved = 0;
    	msgAvs->ulRecipClass = MAPI_ORIG;
    	msgAvs->lpszName = achSender;
    	msgAvs->lpszAddress = achSender;
    	msgAvs->lpEntryID = NULL;
    	msgAvs->ulEIDSize = 0;
    	// Fill recipient struct
    	msgMott->ulReserved = 0;
    	msgMott->ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
    	msgMott->lpszName = achRec;
    	msgMott->lpszAddress = achRec;
    	msgMott->lpEntryID = NULL;
    	msgMott->ulEIDSize = 0;
    	// Fill file struct
    	msgFile->ulReserved = 0;
    	msgFile->flFlags = 0;
    	msgFile->nPosition = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    	msgFile->lpszPathName = achAttPath;	// Path\filnavn
    	msgFile->lpFileType = NULL;
    	// Fill messageStruct
    	msg->lpszSubject = achSubj;
    	msg->lpszNoteText = NULL;
    	msg->lpszMessageType = NULL;
    	msg->lpszDateReceived = dateBuf;
    	msg->lpszConversationID = "";
    	msg->flFlags = MAPI_SENT;
    	msg->lpOriginator = msgAvs;
    	msg->nRecipCount = 1;
    	msg->lpRecips = msgMott;
    	msg->nFileCount = 1;
    	msg->lpFiles = msgFile;
    	lRes = SendMail(NULL, hWnd, msg, MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0);
    	delete msgAvs;
    	delete msgMott;
    	delete msgFile;
    	delete msg;

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    lRes=11, but the attachment exists, i've checked it.
    There's no difference between the first/second call, so i figured there was some initialization missing..?
    Also, how can i send it directly without starting Outlook?

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I finally figured it out: You have have to memset the structures to 0 before use...

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