I am writing a program that reads in names from a datafile and creates an array called students. I then sort this array using a selection sort. Then I need to prompt the user for a name and use a binary search to determine whether the name is in the array or not. If it is, I cout "yes the name is there...", if it is not, I cout "no, the name is not...".

I can read the datafile and populate the array. I can sort the array with the selection sort. I am having trouble with the binary search...every name I enter comes back as not in the array, even if it is.

I don't know if it makes a difference or not, but my array is sorting ascending ie. Z-A. I'm not sure why, or how to change it.

Here is the code:
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>

 int main()
	 const int max_students = 50;
	 const int exit = -1;
	 string students[max_students];
	 string in_name;
	 int num_students=0;
	 int i=0;
	 bool skipped_entry = false;

	 ifstream input("roster.dat");

	 //	Check that file opens correctly
	 	cout << "Cannot open datafile roster.dat. Bye!\n";

	// it doesn't read directly into the array

   	input >> in_name;

	if(num_students >= max_students)
	   skipped_entry = true;

	students[i] = in_name;
	input >> in_name;

	cout << "WARNING - Only " << max_students
 	     << " read in - rest ignored.\n";
	cout << "Read in " << num_students
	     << " names.\n";

   cout << endl << "Here are the unsorted names from the roster.dat file: " << endl << endl;

   for(i = 0; i < num_students; i++)
		cout << "Student [" << i << "] is "
	    << students[i] << endl;

	//	selection sort the array
	int top = 0;
  	int largest;
   	string temp;

   	top = max_students;
   	i = 0;
	for(top =0; top < (max_students -1); top++)
		largest = top;
		for (i = (top + 1); i < max_students; i++)
		     if (students[i] > students[largest])
			largest = i;

	     // switch the 2 elements

		temp = students[largest];
		students[largest] = students[top];
		students[top] = temp;

cout << endl << "Here are the sorted names from the roster.dat file: " << endl << endl;

for(i = 0; i < num_students; i++)
		cout << "Student [" << i << "] is "
	    << students[i] << endl;

//	Binary search for a specific name in the roster.dat file

   string input_name;
   string check_name;

   bool found = false;
   int first = 0;
   int last = num_students - 1;
   int mid = (first + last) /2;

   cout << endl << "Please enter a name to search for, or quit to exit: ";
   cin >> input_name;
   check_name = students[mid];

// This is the code that does the binary search

while (last >= first)
	if (input_name == "quit")
		cout << "Bye.";
		return (0);

	mid = (first + last) /2;
	check_name = students[mid];

	if (check_name == input_name)
		found = true;
	else if (input_name < check_name)
		first = mid + 1;
		last = mid - 1;

	if (!found)
		cout << input_name << " is not currently enrolled in the Fall 2002 CSC160 class." << endl << endl;
		cout << "Please enter another name, or quit to exit: ";
		cin >> input_name;
		return 0;
	   cout << endl << input_name << " is a student in the Fall 2002 CSC160 class. " << endl << endl;
   	   cout << "Please enter another name, or quit to exit: ";
	   cin >> input_name;
	   return 0;


return 0;
Thanks for any help in advance.
