hello everyone,

I've been trying to debug my program and have fixed most of them... however, I'm once again at the point that I'm staring at the codes... but feeling clueless........

Could someone please help....
Thanks so much

here are the error code

prog4.cc: In function `int main()':
prog4.cc:57: parse error before `,'
prog4.cc: In function `float CalculatePremium(int, char, basic_string<char,strin
g_char_traits<char>,__default_alloc_template<false ,0> >)':
prog4.cc:86: ANSI C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
prog4.cc:182: ANSI C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer

and the following is the code....(sorry, it is long)

staring line #14

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

float CalculatePremium (int age, char gender, string type_coverage);    
                                //function prototype

int main()
  string first_name;            //declare string variable first name
  string last_name;             //declare string variable last name
  string gender;                //declare string variable gender
  int age;                      //declare int variable age
  string type_coverage;         //declare string variable type of coverage
  string club_member;           //declare string variable health club
  string smoker;                //declare string variable smoker
  int zip_code;                 //declare int variable zip code
  int premium;                  //declare int variable premium

  ifstream inFile;              //declare file streams
  ofstream outFile;
  inFile.open("inputdata");     //opens the file
    cout << "Input file failed!" << endl;
    return 1;                   //terminates the program if input fails

  inFile >> first_name >> last_name >> gender >> age >> type_coverage >>
  club_member >> smoker >> zip_code;    //assigns input values from inFile

  cout << first_name << last_name << gender << age << type_coverage <<
  club_member << smoker << zip_code;    //echos the input on the monitor

  while (inFile)                        //looping in capturing &
                                        //processing input data
    premium = CalculatePremium (int age, char gender, string
    outFile << first_name << last_name << type_coverage << zip_code
    << premium ;                        //output premium to file output

    inFile >> first_name >> last_name >> gender >> age >> type_coverage >>
    club_member >> smoker >> zip_code;  //assigns input values to inFile

    outFile.open("output");             //creates output data
    cout << "Output file failed!" << endl;
    return 1;                   //terminates the program if output fials

float CalculatePremium (int age, char gender, string type_coverage)

  float basic_premium;          //declare float variable basic premium
  float discount_premium;       //declare float variable discount premium
  float premium;                //declare float variable adjusted premium
  string club_member;           //declare string variable health club
  string smoker;                //declare string variable smoker
  int zip_code;                 //declare int variable zip code

  if (gender == "male")
                                //premium calcuation for male users
    if (age < 25 )              //premium calculation for male under age
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single
                                //male under 25
        basic_premium = 65.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for male
                                //under 25 with family
        basic_premium = 175.00;
    else if (age >= 25 && age <35)
                                //premium calculation for male 25-34
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single male
        basic_premium = 85.00;
      else                      //premium claculation for male
                                //25-34 w/ family
        basic_premium = 215.00;
    else if (age >= 35 && age <45)
                                //premium calculation for male 35-44
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single male
        basic_premium = 110.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for male 35-44 w/
        basic_premium = 325.00;
    else if (age >= 45 && age <55)
                                //premium calculation for male 45-54
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single male
        basic_premium = 175.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for male 45-54 w/
        basic_premium = 450.00;
    else if (age >= 55 && age <65)
                                //premium calculation for male 55-64
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calcualation for single male
        basic_premium = 325.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for male 55-64
        basic_premium = 625.00;
    else                        //premium calculation for male 65 and

      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single male 65
                                //and above
        basic_premium = 450.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for male >=65 w/
        basic_premium = 850.00;

  if (gender == "female")
                                //premium calcuation for female users
    if (age < 25 )              //premium calculation for female under age
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single female
                                //under 25
        basic_premium = 60.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for female under 25
                                //w/ family
        basic_premium = 165.00;
    else if (age >= 25 && age <35)
                                //premium calculation for female 25-34
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single female
        basic_premium = 75.00;
      else                      //premium claculation for female 25-34 w/
        basic_premium = 210.00;
    else if (age >= 35 && age <45)
                                //premium calculation for female 35-44
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single female
        basic_premium = 100.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for female 35-44 w/
        basic_premium = 310.00;
    else if (age >= 45 && age <55)
                                //premium calculation for female 45-54
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single female
        basic_premium = 150.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for female 45-54 w/
        basic_premium = 425.00;
    else if (age >= 55 && age <65)
                                //premium calculation for female 55-64
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calcualation for single female
        basic_premium = 310.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for female 55-64
        basic_premium = 595.00;
    else                        //premium calculation for female 65 and
      if (type_coverage == "single")
                                //premium calculation for single female 65
                                //and above
        basic_premium = 425.00;
      else                      //premium calculation for female >=65 w/
        basic_premium = 795.00;

  if (smoker == "NonSmoker" && club_member == "Club")
    discount_premium =  basic_premium * 0.9;
    //10% discount for non-smoker with health club membership
  else if (smoker == "NonSmoker" && club_member == "NonClub")
    discount_premium = basic_premium * 0.95;
    //5% discount for non-smoker without health club membership
  else if (smoker == "Smoker" && club_member == "Club")
    discount_premium = basic_premium * 0.95;
    //5% discount for smoker with health club membership
    discount_premium = basic_premium;
    //no discount for smoker without health club membership

  if (zip_code == 10000)
    premium = discount_premium + 20;    //adjust premium by $20
  else if (zip_code == 10001)
    premium = discount_premium;         //premium stays the same
  else if (zip_code == 10002)
    premium = basic_premium +30;        //raise premium by $30
  return premium;