Hi Everyone,

Its been a while since I've been on here! Anyway, I've been working on a program for my Home Automation system using (the very old) Borland C++ 3.1 with Turbo Vision for the text based GUI. I really want to have simple DOS based TCP connections in my program, and the library WATTCP exists just for this purpose, written for Borland C++ 3.1 specificly...

Now, there are actually quite a few example programs that came with the library, and some are very simple.. for instance, ping.. The first step in all these programs is to initalize the socket using sockt_init(); welll.... it looks as if it would be that easy, but when I place that into my main function, I get the Undefined symbol sock_init(); error by the linker/compiler.

I've read some things about how there can be problems when you have C & C++ source code togeather... and I'm thing that may have soemthing to do with it because I think the library was origionally written in C and my current program uses primarily C++... lol this might not have anything to do with it... I'm just guessing... But all of the header files are included right.. and I have the library added in, its just that when I add that one line of code it gives me that error....

I would greatly apprecieate it if someone could give me some advice. If anyone has any questions you want me to clear up, just let me know and I will be glad to answer them.


Jon Scott
[email protected]