Yes i was given the problem to write a program using the Vecotr class and the following is what i have to implement into the program as member functions:
Overload >> cin
overload << cout
SortV- can use any sorting technique bubble selection or quick doesn't matter
ReverseV-to reverse the numbers in the vector
RemoveDup- to remove any duplicate elements if any.

any help would be appraited.
the header file is tvector.h that i have to use it is as follows
const int DEFAULT_VECTOR_SIZE = 50;

template <class T>
class Vector
      // dynamic list containing arraySize elements of type T
      T *arr;
      int arraySize;

      // create general error message and terminate program
      void error(const String& msg) const;

      // constructors and destructor

      // create uninitialized array with arrsize elements
      Vector(int arrsize = DEFAULT_VECTOR_SIZE);

      // all arrsize elements initialized to value
      Vector(int arrsize, const T& value);

      // initialize with C++ array
      Vector(T a[], int arrsize);

      // copy constructor
      Vector(const Vector<T>& rhs);

      // destructor. reasons for virtual discussed in Ch. 12
      virtual ~Vector();

      // overloaded assignment operator
      Vector<T>& operator= (const Vector<T>& rhs);

      // index operators
      T& operator[](int n);
      // version for constant objects
      const T& operator[](int i) const;

      // convert to a C++ array
      T *c_arr() const;

      // access and update operations
      int size() const;       // return size
      void resize(int sz);    // modify the size
      void clear();           // clear the list

// ***********************************************************
//      Vector class implementation
// ***********************************************************

// private function to print an error message and
// terminate the program
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::error(const String& errmsg) const
   cerr << errmsg << endl;

template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(int arrsize): arraySize(arrsize)
   if (arraySize < 0)
      error("Negative Vector size is invalid.");
   else if (arraySize == 0)
      // 0 size array. assign arr to NULL and return
      arr = NULL;

   // dynamically create Vector
   arr = new T[arraySize];
   // make sure the allocation succeeded
   if (arr == NULL)
      error("Memory allocation failure.");

// constructor. initialize with n element array a
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(T a[], int arrsize): arraySize(arrsize)
   int i;

   if (arraySize < 0)
      error("Negative Vector size is invalid.");
   else if (arraySize == 0)
      // 0 size array. assign arr to NULL and return
      arr = NULL;

   // dynamically create array
   arr = new T[arraySize];
   // make sure the allocation succeeded
   if (arr == NULL)
      error("Memory allocation failure.");

   // copy array to arr
   for(i=0; i < arraySize; i++)
      arr[i] = a[i];

// constructor. initialize with arrsize copies of value
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(int arrsize, const T& value): arraySize(arrsize)
   int i;
   if (arraySize < 0)
      error("Negative Vector size is invalid.");
   else if (arraySize == 0)
      // 0 size array. assign arr to NULL and return
      arr = NULL;

   // dynamically create array
   arr = new T[arraySize];
   // make sure the allocation succeeded
   if (arr == NULL)
      error("Memory allocation failure.");

   // each entry of arr has given value
   for(i=0; i < arraySize; i++)
      arr[i] = value;

// copy constructor
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(const Vector<T>& obj)
   int i;

   // copy across fixed data member arraySize
   arraySize = obj.arraySize;

   if (arraySize == 0)
      // object as 0 size
      arr = NULL;

   // allocate new dynamic memory for the array
   arr = new T[arraySize];
   // make sure the allocation succeeded
   if (arr == NULL)
      error("Memory allocation failure.");

   // copy items from obj.arr to the newly allocated array
   for (i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
      arr[i] = obj.arr[i];

// destructor
template <class T>
   if (arr != NULL)
      delete [] arr;

// overloaded assignment
template <class T>
Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator= (const Vector<T>& rhs)
   int i;

   // can't assign a Vector object to itself.  just return
   if (this == &rhs)
      return *this;

   // if rhs is a 0 size array, handle as a special case
   if (rhs.arraySize == 0)
      if (arr != NULL)
         delete [] arr;
      arraySize = 0;
      arr = NULL;
      return *this;

   // check size to see if arr in current object can be used
   if (arraySize != rhs.arraySize)
      // de-allocate existing memory and allocate new memory
      delete [] arr;
      arr = new T[rhs.arraySize];
      if (arr == NULL)  // vefify allocation succeeded
         error("Memory allocation failure.");

   // copy fixed data member arraySize
   arraySize = rhs.arraySize;

   // copy items from obj.arr to current object's array
   for (i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
      arr[i] = rhs.arr[i];

   // return reference to the current object
   return *this;

// indexing operators

// non-constant version. provides general access to array
// elements
template <class T>
T& Vector<T>::operator[](int i)
   if (i < 0 || i > arraySize-1)
      cerr << i << ": ";
      error("Index out of bounds");
   return arr[i];

// constant version.  can be used with a constant object.
// does not allow modification of an array element
template <class T>
const T& Vector<T>::operator[](int i) const
   if (i < 0 || i > arraySize-1)
      cerr << i << ": ";
      error("Index out of bounds");
   return arr[i];

// convert to a C++ array
template <class T>
T *Vector<T>::c_arr() const
   return arr;

// return the number of elements in the array
template <class T>
int Vector<T>::size() const
   return arraySize;

// modify the size of the array
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::resize(int sz)
   int i, n;
   // handle case of negative size with error message
   if (sz < 0)
      error("Negative new size is invalid.");

   // handle case of no size change with a return
   if (sz == arraySize)

   // handle the case of a resize to size 0
   if (sz == 0)
      delete [] arr;
      arr = NULL;
      arraySize = 0;
   // allocate new list with sz elements
   T* newlist = new T[sz];

   // make sure the allocation succeeded
   if (newlist == NULL)
      error("Memory allocation failure.");

   // set n to be smaller of new size and current size
   if (sz <= arraySize)
      n = sz;
      n = arraySize;

   // copy n elements from old list to new list
   // this may truncate the list
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      newlist[i] = arr[i];

   // delete original list, set arr to point to newlist,
   // update arraySize
   delete[] arr;
   arr = newlist;
   arraySize = sz;

template <class T>
void Vector<T>::clear()
any help would be great thanks guys