
I've been working on this program for a few hours and i'm getting very frustrated. It will work and then i'll try to do the next part of it, and it will get screwed up again.

The part that i'm having trouble with right now:

the assignment asks to read in a name, phone#, and id#, and to then have it sort all of the information by the id #.

i'm trying to use a bubble sort but it is causing an infinite loop somewhere

at one point, the ids were getting sorted but the rest of the information wasn't. Now, i screwed it up and nothing is getting sorted

this is the file, "student.txt" that i was having sorted:

Lee, Bruce 876-543-9876 78905
Deris, Andi 987-654-3214 54321
Kwestel, Morty 678-543-7465 45678

if anyone could look over the code and help me out, i would greatly appreciate it.

- Thank you