Here's what I want it to do:

the left column represents the new string being assigned, the right is the source, before the digits are rearranged (that would work only if it was 15 characters long):

sOutput      Value
sOutput[x]  sInput[x]
0		1
1		3
2		5
3		7
4		9
5		11
6		13
7		15
8		0
9		2
10		4
11		6
12		8
13		10
14		12
15		14
For example: sOutput[1] has the same value as sInput[3]... My method for doing this is as follows:

void scramble()
	char sInput[1024];
	char sOutput[1024];
	int iLength = 0;
	int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

	cout << "What message do you want to scramble?\n";
	cin.get (sInput, 1024);
	cin.ignore(1024, '\n');

	iLength = strlen( sInput);

	x = 1;

	for (i = 0; (i<iLength) && (sInput[x] != '\0'); i++)
		sOutput[i] = sInput[x];
		x = x + 2;

	x = 0;

	for (i; (i<iLength) && (sInput[x] != '\0'); i++)
		sOutput[i] = sInput[x];
		x = x + 2;

	sOutput[i] = '\0';

	cout << sOutput << endl << endl;

// 1 2 3 4 5 is an input example
// 1 3 5 2 4 is the scrambled example
// 4 2 5 3 1 is what it looks like after strrev
All that works fine... unless you input a string at least 10 characters (0123456789 won't work, but 123456789 will.)

If you input 10 or more characters, it gives you mostly garbage characters.

Also, I can't think of a simple way to descramble that so that 42531 becomes 13524 (strrev would work for that part), but then I need 13524 to be able to become 12345... so it would work both ways.