I'm crazy about minimizing the size of my programs and using the most minimial amount of code! I've finished a homework assignment, works perfectly, now I just want to minimize the code and make it smaller.

#include <iostream.h>

void decimaltobase(int a[], double decimal, int whole, double fraction, int type);
void dectobasemenu(int a[], double decimal);

	int a[100];
	double decimal;
	dectobasemenu(a, decimal);
	return 0;

void decimaltobase(int a[], double decimal, int whole, double fraction, int type)
	int legnth1 = 0, temp = 0;
	//for the whole value
	for (int i = 0; whole > 0; i++)
		a[i] = whole % type;
		whole = whole / type;
	//for (int i= 0; fracion > 0; i++)
	cout << decimal << " represented in base-"<<type<<" is ";

	for (int i = legnth1 -1; i >=0; i--)
		if ((type > 10)&&( a[i]> 9))
			char c = 'a';
			for (int j = 10; j < a[i]; j++)
			cout << c;
		cout << a[i];
	if (fraction > 0)
		cout << ".";
		for (int i = 0; fraction != 0; i++)
			fraction = fraction * type;
			temp = int(fraction);
			if ((type > 10) && (temp > 9))
				char c = 'a';
				for (int i = 10; i < temp; i++)
			        cout << c;
				cout << temp;
			fraction = fraction - double(temp);
	cout << endl << endl;

void dectobasemenu(int a[], double decimal)
	int type = 1;
		cout << "Enter the number system base (2--36) (press 0 to quit): ";
		cin >> type;
		if ((type < 2)&&(type != 0))
			cout << "That is not a valid base!"<<endl;
			dectobasemenu(a, decimal);
		if (type == 0)
			cout << "Enter a decimal integer to convert to base-" <<type<<": ";
			cin >> decimal;
			int whole = int(decimal);
			double frac = decimal - double(whole);
			if (decimal == 0)
			decimaltobase(a ,decimal,  whole, frac,  type);
			}while(decimal != 0);
	}while (type !=0); 
Yes... I may go ahead and remove the functions, I had split the code up in anticipation of converting any given base to decimal being added to it, but it is no longer the case.

Please suggest any ideas on how I can minimize the amount of code I could use or any other improvements, but PLEASE do not reply to the post with code... pseudeo code is ok, but I'd mainly just like suggestions.