but new info. I know that I need a for loop to save the moves the user makes (tic tac toe for those of you who have no idea what im talking about). I have the entire program run out of a for loop that will end if it reaches 9 moves, but after each move the previous move is deleted from the memory. How do I make it stick in them memory? heres my source.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void xturn();
void oturn();
void checkwin();

int board[9] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
int playa[9] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};

	int main()

		int x, move, xx;
		for (x=0; x<=8; x++)
				if (playa[x] == 0 || playa[x] == 2 || playa[x] == 4 || 
						playa[x] == 6 || playa[x] == 8)
					cin >> move;

					cout << "turn " << playa[x] << endl;
				if (playa[x] == 1 || playa[x] ==3 || playa[x] == 5 ||
						playa[x] == 7)
					cout << "computer turn " << playa[x] << endl;

				if (playa[x]==5)
					cout << playa[0] << endl;

			if (board[x] == 1 && board[x] == 2 && board[x] == 3)
				cout << "WINNER!" << endl;

		cout << "DRAW!!" << endl;

		return 0;

	void xturn()

		int x, xx;

		cin >> xx;

		cout << "you move to square " << x << endl;

		cout << playa[x] << endl;

	void oturn()

		int y;

		cout << "computer not ready yet" << endl;