I need help with my program. Everytime that I try to compile my program I keep getting the same error messages. I tried almost everything to get rid of the error messages, but I can't.
Here's my program & error messages:

// necessary library header files:





// global user-defined types:

struct Storm {

int beginDate;

int duration;

char name[15];

int category;

int wind;

int pressure;


// function prototypes:

int GetRecord( ifstream &input, int &y,int &m, int &d, int &h,

int &s, char name[], int &wind, int &pres);

Storm* GetStorm( ifstream& input );

int SaffirSimpson( int w );

void Sort( Storm* List[], int NStorms );

void DisplayStorms( char* title, Storm* List[], int NStorms );

void PrintStorm( Storm* StormPointer );

// Constants

const int MAX_STORMS = 200;

const float KnotsToMPH = 1.15;

int main( void ) {

Storm* List[MAX_STORMS];

Storm* CurrentStorm; // storm returned by GetStorm

int NStorms = 0; // number in aray List

int Total = 0; // total number of storms in the input file

// replace with interactive version

ifstream input("HurricaneTestFile.Data");

// while we have storms to process

while( (CurrentStorm = GetStorm( input ) ) != NULL ) {


if( CurrentStorm->category < 3 )

delete CurrentStorm;


List[NStorms++] = CurrentStorm;



cout << "Number of storms: " << Total << endl;

cout << "Hurricanes with category 3 and above: " << NStorms << endl;

DisplayStorms("First Ten Storms", List, 10 );

Sort( List, NStorms);

DisplayStorms("Top Ten Storms", List, 10 );


int GetRecord( ifstream &in, int &year, int &month, int &day, int &hour,

int &seq, char name[], int &wind, int &pres ) {

// reads one "record" from the input, and stores in reference arguments

// returns 0 if end-of-file, 1 if record read

float junk;

if (!(in.eof())) {

in >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> seq >> name

>> junk >> junk >> wind >> pres;

return 1;


return 0;


Storm* GetStorm( ifstream& in ) {

// Build a Storm structure, and return the poointer

// static is necesary to save the last record read for

// the next storm.

static int year = 0, month, day, hour, seq, wind, pressure;

static char name[15];

static status = 1;

int current, cat;

Storm* NewStorm; // we'll return this pointer to the new storm object

double mph;

// If the last storm caused end-of-file, we're done.(return NULL)

if( status == 0 )

return NULL;

// If this is the first time this function is called,

// then read first record.

if( year == 0 )

GetRecord(in, year, month, day, hour, seq, name, wind, pressure);

// Make a storm object and initialize it with info from the current record

NewStorm = new Storm;

NewStorm->beginDate = (year * 1000) + (month * 100) + day;

NewStorm->duration = hour;

strcpy(NewStorm->name, name);

NewStorm->wind = wind;

NewStorm->pressure = pressure;

current = seq;

// Now, keep reading records as long as they go with this storm.

// Watch out for end-of-file!

status = GetRecord(in, year, month, day, hour, seq, name, wind, pressure);

while((strcmp(NewStorm->name, name) == 0) && (status == 1)) {

//update storm info:

NewStorm->duration += 6;

if(NewStorm->wind < wind)

NewStorm->wind = wind;

if(((pressure < NewStorm->pressure) && pressure != 0) || NewStorm->pressure == 0 )

NewStorm->pressure = pressure;

cat = SaffirSimpson(NewStorm->wind);

if(cat > NewStorm->category)

NewStorm->category = cat;

//get next record

GetRecord(in, year, month, day, hour, seq, name, wind, pressure);


// convert from knots to mph

NewStorm->wind *= KnotsToMPH;

// and return the pointer to the new storm object:

return NewStorm;


void PrintStorm( Storm* ptr ) {

// display one storm

cout >> ptr->beginDate >> ptr->duration >> ptr->name >> ptr->category

>> ptr->wind >> ptr->pressure >> endl;



void DisplayStorms( char* title, Storm* List[], int NStorms ) {

// display NStorms storms

// print some title and column headings; make a loop

// and invoke function "PrintStorm" for each storm.

cout << "Begin Date" << setw(10) << "Duration (hours)" << "Name" << setw(10)

<< "Category" << "Maximum Winds (mph)"

<< "Minimum Pressure (mb)" << endl;

cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

for(int i = 0; i < NStorms; i++)

PrintStorm(Storm* List);



int SaffirSimpson( int wind ) {

// Compute storm category, using the Saffir-Simpson scale

int category;

if(wind > 134)

category = 5;

else if ((wind < 134) && (wind > 113))

category = 4;

else if ((wind < 113) && (wind > 96))

category = 3;

else if ((wind < 96) && (wind > 83))

category = 2;

else if ((wind < 83) && (wind > 64))

category = 1;

else if ((wind < 64) && (wind > 34))

category = 'TS';


category = 'TD';

return category;


void Sort( Storm* x[], int N ) {

// bubble sort the list of Storm pointers

int pass = 0, k, switches;

Storm* temp;

switches = 1;

while( switches ) {

switches = 0;


for( k = 0; k < N - pass; k++ ) {

if(x[k]->category < x[k + 1]->category) {

temp = x[k];

x[k] = x[k + 1];

x[k + 1] = temp;

switches = 1;






strauss.udel.edu% CC hurricane-starter.cc

"hurricane-starter.cc", line 59: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument title in call to DisplayStorms(char*, Storm**, int).

"hurricane-starter.cc", line 62: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument title in call to DisplayStorms(char*, Storm**, int).

"hurricane-starter.cc", line 138: Error: The operation "std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>> >> int" is illegal.

"hurricane-starter.cc", line 154: Error: Unexpected type name "Storm" encountered.

2 Error(s) and 2 Warning(s) detected.

strauss.udel.edu% exit