I want to be a game designer.Im 14 but I dont know were to start.I decided to try to learn C++ since most games use that.I downloaded Borland Free Comand Line Tools and I enrolled in Project Fun(its an internet tutorial that teaches you how to make games).It teaches me things like to do sprites,add text,particles,ect.ect.ext and when I have to put an object function,(like when I press up on the keyboard for the sprite to move up) it tells me the code but doesent tech me how to make codes.

So I came to this website to try to learn but when I open the C:/Borland/BCC55/Bin and double click on bcc32 it just flashes and closes the screen.I dont know what to do=(

So can anyone help me?

Is this site good whit learning C++?

So what should I do If I want to learn C++?