Hey guys im new to the board and need some help with this path finding project iv gata make for class.

Ok first u need to know what the project intails. I have to write a dos orented program that reads in a .txt file with a maze made up of x's and o's. The x's represent the walls and the o's are open spaces. The program must then print out in a .txt file what moves where taken to reach the cheese. O and there is an m (for mouse) and c (for cheese). Here is an example of how the program should look;

2 left
1 down
3 right
1 up

Stuff like that.

Iv already figured out how to read in the file....print out the output to the .txt file and I think (note i said think) I figured out how to make the engine to move squares.

But now I can't seem to impliment the search engine into the map. First problem I need to figure out a way to set up the maze (witch is 20x20 so 400 squares) in an array with out having to write 400 statements.

Ill wait to ask the second question until someone replies.....just in case if figure out the second question after getting the first one answered.

O any web sites that coudl help? Thanx in advance.