Ok, i am trying to use the directional arrows to decide where the user moves too. I used to use letters off the keyboard, but with the use of barons keys.h i hoped to use the directionals.

Unfortunatly none of the K_NAME 's are working, these are what is defined in the .h file. I have attahced the .h file and pasted the code to the program, i want to know what i am doing wrong, this is my first time trying this.

/*	Steven Billington 
	[email protected]
	September 27, 2002 

	This is my first game ever. Its a relativley simple program
	as it should be cause its newbie made. Its a console based text RPG.

	Welcome to Caverns, enjoy!


Updated September 28, 2002

/* These are our Preprocessor directives*/
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "keys.h"
#include <iostream.h> /* For input/output*/
#include <stdlib.h> /* For clear screen*/
#include <conio.h> /* For getch() - makes program pause till user
				      user presses a key*/

/* Declare variables for game-play.
The names should explain it, email me
if you don't understand something.*/
int User_Location_X = 0;
int User_Location_Y = 0;
int Amulet = 0;
int Quarter_Staff = 0;
int Chainmail_Armor = 0;
int Heal_Potion = 0;
int Spell_Book = 0;
int magic = 100;
int points = 0;
int health = 100;
int protection = 0;
int end_game = 50;

/* Our variable for users choices throught
game play.*/
char input;

/* Declare main as variable type integer.*/
void openmessage ()

	cout <<setw(50) <<"***************************"<<"\n";
	cout <<setw(50) <<"****     Caverns        ***"<<"\n";
	cout <<setw(50) <<"****  Steven Billington ***"<<"\n";
	cout <<setw(50) <<"***************************"<<"\n";

	/*Take user input and display opening messages
	The user name can be up to 20 characters long*/
	char name[20];

	cout <<"Please enter your first name and press enter twice: ";
	cin >>name; /* Store users name*/

	cout <<"You may see controls at any time by pressing (HOME)\n\n";



void directions ()
	cout <<"North = Up Arrow\nSouth = Down Arrow\nWest = Left Arrow\nEast = Right Arrow\n";
	cout <<"\n";
	cout <<"Home = Information\n";
	cout <<"\n";
	cout <<"Insert = Health\nP = Points\n";
	cout <<"\n";
	cout <<"End = Exit\n";
	cout <<"\n";

int main ()
	openmessage(); /* Call opening message*/


	do/* Start loop*/

		/* Checks to see if the points are at 100
	if they are, user wins and game ends.*/
	if (points == 100)
		cout <<"You have reached 100 points, you win!!\n\n";


		return 0;

	/* Checks to see if health is at a value of 0
	if it is the user has lost and game ends.*/
	if (health == 0)
		cout <<"Game Over!\n\n";
		return 0;

	/* Check user position.*/
	if (User_Location_Y == 25)
		cout <<"You cannot continue in this direction\n";

	else if (User_Location_Y == -25)
		cout <<"You cannot continue in this direction\n";

	else if (User_Location_X == 25)
		cout <<"You cannot continue in this direction\n";

	else if (User_Location_X == -25)
		cout <<"You cannot continue in this direction\n";

	/* This decrements by 1 every loop, when it hits 0 game ends.*/

	if (end_game == 0)

		cout <<"You have used all your energy, GAME OVER!\n";
		return 0;

	/* This displays every loop.*/

	cout <<"Select a Direction: ";
	cin >>input; 
	cout <<"\n";

	/* Key for user initiated exit.*/
	if (input == K_END)
		return 0;

	/* Key for information menu.*/
	if (input == K_HOME)
		cout <<"North (1)\nSouth (2)\nEast(3)\nWest (4)\nQuit (Q)\nUse Heal (H)\n";
		cout <<"Spell (S)\nWeapon (W)\nRun (R)\nHelp (I)\nLife (L)\nPoints (P)\n\n";

	/* Key for checking health status.*/
	if (input == K_INSERT)
		cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

	/* Key for checking point status.*/
	if (input == K_P || input == K_p)
		cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";

	/* Update user position and update accordingly.*/	
	if (input == K_UP)
		User_Location_Y = User_Location_Y++;

	if (input == K_DOWN)
		User_Location_Y = User_Location_Y--;

	if (input == K_RIGHT)
		User_Location_X = User_Location_X++;

	if (input == K_LEFT)
		User_Location_X = User_Location_X--;

	Code for Amulet
	if (User_Location_X == 0 && User_Location_Y == 5)
		if (Amulet == 1)
			cout <<"You have returned to where you found Soris's Amulet.\n\n";

		else if (Amulet == 0)
			cout <<"You found Soris's Amulet!\n\n";
			cout <<"You feel protected and are awarded ten points.\n\n";
			Amulet = 1;

	Code for Quarter_Staff
	if (User_Location_X == 7 && User_Location_Y == 0)
		if (Quarter_Staff == 1)
			cout <<"You find the marble pillar on which your quarter staff had been.\n\n";

		else if (Quarter_Staff == 0)
			cout <<"You have aquired a Quarter Staff! You feel secure with your weapon.\n\n";
			Quarter_Staff = 1;
			points = points + 10;

	Code for Chainmail_Armor
	if (User_Location_X == 0 && User_Location_Y == 17)
		if (Chainmail_Armor == 1)
			cout <<"You see an old crate where a chainmail armor once rested.\n\n";

		else if (Chainmail_Armor == 0)
			cout <<"You have found an old set of Chainmail Armor! It appears in good shape.\n\n";
			int user_choice;
			cout <<"Equip Y/N? ";
			cin >>user_choice;

			if (user_choice == 'Y' || user_choice == 'y')
				cout <<"You equip the chainmail.\n\n";
				Chainmail_Armor = 1;

			if (user_choice == 'N' || user_choice == 'n')
				cout <<"You drop the chainmail.\n\n";
				Chainmail_Armor = 0;

	Code for Heal_Potion
	if (User_Location_X == -7 && User_Location_Y == 0)
		if (Heal_Potion == 1 || Heal_Potion == 2)
			cout <<"You have stumbled upon an empty bag, once containing a heal potion.\n\n";

		else if (Heal_Potion == 0)
			cout <<"You have uncoverd a bag, in it contains a heal potion, which you pick up.\n\n";
			cout <<"You may use this at anytime by pressing (H).\n\n";
			Heal_Potion = 1;
			points = points + 10;

	Code for Heal_Potion Use.

	if (input == 'H' || input == 'h')
		if (Heal_Potion == 1)
			cout <<"You drink the potion.\n\n";
			Heal_Potion = 2;
			health = health + 5;

		else if (Heal_Potion == 0)
			cout <<"You don't have a health potion.\n\n";

		else if (Heal_Potion == 2)
			cout <<"You already used your potion.\n\n";
	Code for Spell_Book
	if (User_Location_X == 0 && User_Location_Y == -9)
		if (Spell_Book == 1)
			cout <<"You feel enchanted as you find where a spell book once sat.\n\n";

		else if (Spell_Book == 0)
			cout <<"You find an enchanted spell book!\n\n";
			points = points + 10;
			Spell_Book = 1;

	Code for Monster one
	if (User_Location_X == 2)
		cout <<"You encounter a troll!\n\n";
		cout <<"Spell (S)\nWeapon (W)\nRun (R)\n\n";
		cin >>input;

		if (input == 'S' || input == 's')
			if (magic <= 1)
				cout <<"You have no magic ability left!\n\n";
				cout <<"The troll strikes you! You lose 10 health points!\n\n";
				health = health - 10;
				cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
				cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

			else if (magic >= 5)
			cout <<"You cast a spell, but the troll is immune!\n\n";
			cout <<"The troll strikes you! You lose 10 health points!\n\n";
			health = health - 10;
			magic = magic - 50;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

		else if (input == 'W' || input == 'w')
			cout <<"You strike and kill the troll!\n\n";
			cout <<"You gain 20 points!\n\n";
			points = points + 20;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

		else if (input == 'R' || input == 'r')
			cout <<"You try to escape....you escape but the troll hits you.\n\n";
			cout <<"You lose 20 health points\n\n";
			health = health - 20;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

	Code for Monster two
	if (User_Location_Y == -4)
		cout <<"You encounter a wombat!\n\n";
		cout <<"Spell (S)\nWeapon (W)\nRun (R)\n\n";
		cin >>input;

		if (input == 'S' || input == 's')
			if (magic <= 1)
				cout <<"You have no magic ability left!\n\n";
				cout <<"The troll strikes you! You lose 10 health points!\n\n";
				health = health - 10;
				cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
				cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

			else if (magic >= 5)
				cout <<"You cast a spell, but the wombat is immune!\n\n";
				cout <<"The wombat strikes you! You lose 20 health points!\n\n";
				health = health - 20;
				magic = magic - 50;
				cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
				cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

		else if (input == 'W' || input == 'w')
			cout <<"You strike and kill the wombat!\n\n";
			cout <<"You gain 50 points!\n\n";
			points = points + 50;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

		else if (input == 'R' || input == 'r')
			cout <<"You try to escape....you escape but the wombat hits you.\n\n";
			cout <<"You lose 20 health points\n\n";
			health = health - 20;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

	Code for Monster three - impossible to beat
	if (User_Location_X == -11)
		cout <<"You encounter a powerful Ghost!\n\n";
		cout <<"Spell (S)\nWeapon (W)\nRun (R)\n\n";
		cin >>input;

		if (input == 'S' || input == 's')
			cout <<"You cast a spell, but the ghost resists!!\n\n";
			cout <<"The ghost strikes you! You lose 100 health points!\n\n";
			health = 0;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

		else if (input == 'W' || input == 'w')
			cout <<"You try to hit the ghost, but miss!\n\n";
			points = points - 20;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

		else if (input == 'R' || input == 'r')
			cout <<"You try to escape....you escape but the ghost hits you.\n\n";
			cout <<"You lose 100 health points\n\n";
			health = 0;
			cout <<"Points are "<<points<<"\n\n";
			cout <<"Health is "<<health<<"\n\n";

	/* Loop does these actions while end_game 
	does NOT qual true.*/

	/* Return value for main.*/
	return 0;