If I have declared more than one variable of a "class" type I have already defined, how can I be sure which variable I am manipulating. If I have one function which uses "switch" to call functions from the class, can I safely assume that I am altering the "class" variable I am using to call that function with. I'm not at a complier right now, but I am typing up my code based on what I think would work. I would hate to get too deep into this idea if its not even right. Please help!

For example:
//#include blah blah

Names Male; //can I declare a global class variables like this?
Names Female;

void Menu ();

class Names {

void Add ();
void Drop ();

//blah blah


void main ()
Menu ();

void Menu ()

cout <<"1. blah blah\n2. blah blah\n";
cout <<"Please run option: ";
cin >>choice;

if (choice == 1)
Male.RunOption ();

else if (option == 2)
Female.RunOption ();


void Names :: RunOption ()

switch (choice)
case 1: Add ();

case 2: Drop ();

cout <<"not an option";
Menu ();
