Can someone tell me why I am getting an unexpected end of file error?


//This program collects 5 exam score for individual class members and averages the score.
//The program throws out the low score and replaces it with the high score.
//It uses a sentinel to end the input data.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
int main()

int array[5];
int y;
int highScore=-999;
int lowScore=101;
int totScore=0.0;
float avg=0.0;
char grade;

string firstName;
string lastName;
string sentinelA="light";
string sentinelB="truth";

cout << "Enter student's first and last name:" << endl;
cin >> firstName >> lastName;

cout << "To stop input data, enter light for student's first name,";
cout << "and truth for student's last name." << endl;

while (firstName != sentinelA && lastName != sentinelB) //Creates input data stopping point.

cout << "Enter 5 exam scores for" << firstName << lastName << ":" << endl; //input exam scores

for (y=0; y<5; y++)
cin >> array[y];

for (y=0; y<5; y++);
if(array[y] > highScore)
highScore = array[y];

if(array[y] < lowScore)
lowScore = array[y];

for (y=0; y<5; y++) //Throws out the low score and replaces it with the high score.
if(array[y] == lowScore)
array[y] = highScore;

for(y=0; y<5; y++)
totScore = totScore + array[y];

avg = totScore/5; //Determines average grade.

if(avg > 92.0) //Determines letter grade.
else if (avg > 83.0)
else if(avg > 74.0)
else if(avg >65.0)

cout << "The 5 exam scores for" << firstName << " " << lastName << ":" << endl;
cout << endl;

for (y=0; y<5; y++)
cout << array[y] << " ";
cout << "The average score for" << firstName << " " << lastName << endl;
cout << "is" <<avg << "%" << "Letter grade is" << grade <<endl << endl;

cout << "Enter the next student's name and exam scores" << endl;
cin >> firstName >> lastName;

avg = 0.0;
totScore = 0.0;

return 0;