in the following code I made a few custom modifications to get allegro at its best. first you'll see i made a function to draw with buffering, and second i tried to implement double buffering to reduce flicker when drawing a background each cycle through the main loop. I created a BITMAP** primary_buffer which holds which buffer we should draw to. then at the end of each cycle it switches what buffer primary_buffer is pointing to.

example: in the function buffdraw, it will draw the object to put on the screen on to primary_buffer which is pointing to buffer. then it will print onto the screen whatever is on buffer2, so this way it doesnt pring what we just put onto buffer, but what we previously had put on buffer2. then next time primary buffer will be buffer2 and it will print the object onto buffer2, and print onto the screen what we had previously put in buffer. see what i mean? here is the code, but nothing shows up on the screen when i run it. if you have allegro you can try compiling it.
#include <allegro.h> // You must include the Allegro Header file

void buffdraw(BITMAP *buffer, BITMAP *buffer2, BITMAP **primary_buffer, BITMAP *t_Bitmap_obj, int x, int y);
void increase_speed();

volatile long speed_counter = 0;//A long integer which will store the value of the
                                          //speed counter.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	bool validness;
	int wBuffer=1;

	allegro_init(); // Initialize Allegro
	install_keyboard(); // Initialize keyboard routines
	set_color_depth(16); // Set the color depth						
	set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640,480,0,0); // Change our graphics mode to 640x480
	install_int_ex(increase_speed, BPS_TO_TIMER(100));//Set our BPS

	BITMAP *my_pic; //Declare a BITMAP called my_pic
	my_pic = load_bitmap("picture.bmp", NULL); // Load our picture

	BITMAP *buffer; //Declare a BITMAP called buffer.
	BITMAP *buffer2;
	BITMAP **primary_buffer = &buffer;

	BITMAP *background;
	background = load_bitmap("lee.bmp", NULL);

	buffer = create_bitmap(640,480); //Create an empty bitmap.
	buffer2 = create_bitmap(640, 480);

	int my_pic_x = 0;// Holds our pictures X coorinate
	int my_pic_y = 0;// Holds our picture's Y coordinate

	while(!key[KEY_ESC])//If the user hits escape, quit the program
		while(speed_counter > 0)
		    validness = true;

		    Here is a series of tests - so we can move 
		    our bitmap around the screen
		    if(key[KEY_RIGHT])// If the user hits the right key, change the picture's X coordinate
			    my_pic_x++;// Moving right so up the X coordinate by 1
			    if(my_pic_x > 608)
		    		validness = false;
		    else if(key[KEY_LEFT])// Ditto' - only for left key
			    my_pic_x--;// Moving left, so lower the X coordinate by 1
			    if(my_pic_x < 0)
				    validness = false;
		    else if(key[KEY_UP])// If the user hits the up key, change the picture's Y coordinate
			    my_pic_y--;// Moving up, so lower the Y coordinate by 1
			    if(my_pic_y < 0)
				    validness = false;
		    else if(key[KEY_DOWN])// Ditto' - only for down
			    my_pic_y++;// Moving down, so up the Y coordinate by 1
			    if(my_pic_y > 448)
				    validness = false;
		if(validness == true)
		    acquire_screen();// Get the screen

			buffdraw(buffer, buffer2, primary_buffer, background, 0, 0);

		    buffdraw(buffer, buffer2, primary_buffer, my_pic, my_pic_x, my_pic_y);

			if(*primary_buffer == buffer)
				primary_buffer = &buffer2;
				wBuffer = 2;
			if(*primary_buffer == buffer2)
				primary_buffer = &buffer;
				wBuffer = 1;

		    release_screen();// Release it

	destroy_bitmap(my_pic);//Release the bitmap data
	destroy_bitmap(buffer);//Release the bitmap data

	return(0);// Exit with no errors
END_OF_MAIN(); // This must be called right after the closing bracket of your MAIN function.
               // It is Allegro specific.

void buffdraw(BITMAP *buffer, BITMAP *buffer2, BITMAP **primary_buffer, BITMAP *t_Bitmap_obj, int x, int y)
	draw_sprite(*primary_buffer, t_Bitmap_obj, x, y);

	if(*primary_buffer == buffer2)
	    blit(buffer, screen, 0,0,0,0,640,480);
	if(*primary_buffer == buffer)
		blit(buffer2, screen, 0,0,0,0,640,480);

void increase_speed()