Ok, those words have haunted me all weekend. I thought I was doing pretty good with things until I hit this thing. Unfortunately the code is on my laptop at home so I can't show you, but I'm hoping it's just something simple anyway that I'm just missing/forgetting/unaware of.

I've got this class, and some of the members are arrays. I've got arrays of ints that are old style and I've got arrays of Strings that are __gc. At first it started giving me the error and pointing to one of the old school arrays and I realized I hadn't initialized or whatever (sorry, the vocab is still growing on me.) any of the arrays. So I went back and did the ints, looked up the proper way to do the Strings and did them, then I ran again. This time it got all the way to the last part where I'm trying to assign values to the elements of the String array. I've tried commenting out that assignment and I still get the error and it points me to the closing bracket of the function which makes me think there must be something wholly different wrong with things. I read the help file description of the error and played around with it for quite a chunk of time and I still don't see where I'm going wrong.

I understand I've not given you much to work with but any help or insight would be appreciated.