FillYourBrain: that is not at all what I'm trying to do!
I want a pointer to dynamically allocated memory in the class, so in the call to the class-constructor I send a pointer to a pointer.
this pointer to pointer will then point to allocated memory in the class...I don't send the pointer to the constructor to make the class allocate the memory for it! it's the other way around.
so it's:

myClass:myClass(short** tableHandle) // pointer to the pointer in main
m_tablehandle = new short[anynumber]; //m_tablehandle declared as short* m_tablehandle in class
tableHandle=&m_tablehandle;// so I can acces m_tablehandle thru the pointer tableHandle in main!!!

just to clearify

the problem is that the pointer to the pointer(short** tableHandle) in main still points to NULL and seems to remain unchanged....