I am writing a program that converts celsius to farenhiet and vice versa. I made two function's that do the converting for me so that all I have to do is call them like this:
(line 29) result = farenhiet_(float cels);
where "result" is a defined variable of type float, I call the other function this way as well in line 36. when I compile The program though I get the error: parse error before ')'. I have tried everything, but to be honest I don't understand what parse or parsing is, let alone a parse error. I'll insert the function definition.
//funtion #1
float farenhiet_(float cels)
float result;
result = (1.8 * cels) + 32;
return result;
If you need the whole source I'll cut and paste that as well just let me know. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks