Thread: Virtual & Pure virtual destructors

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  1. #2
    Magically delicious LuckY's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    I don't know why you said the code crashes (do you mean it won't compile or you get a runtime explosion?), it compiled/ran okay for me.

    A pure virtual function (it can be any function, doesn't have to be the destructor) is a function that declares that you can not instantiate an object of that type. In other words, you declare a pure virtual function in a class that is strictly intended to be inherited and not used itself. The way you make a function pure virtual is to make it virtual and after the declaration add "= 0" In addition, if you inherit from such a base class, you are required to override the pure virtual function. BTW, this is what's referred to as an 'abstract base class'
    For example:
    class BaseShape {
      virtual int GetArea() = 0;//this function is pure virtual
    class Square : public BaseShape {
      virtual int GetArea() { return 100; }//function must be defined
    class Triangle : public BaseShape {
      virtual int GetArea() { return 100; }//function must be defined
    int main() {
      //BaseShape bs;//this line won't compile. can't instantiate it!
      Square *sq = new Square;
      delete sq;
      return 0;
    The reason you should make destructors virtual when they are being inherited from is that if you don't, destructors might not be called (depending on usage).
    For example:
    class A {
      virtual ~A() { cout << "A\n"; }
    class B {
      ~B() { cout << "B\n"; }
    int main() {
      A *pA = new B;
      delete pA;
      return 0;
    If class A's destructor wasn't virtual, ~B() would not be called upon destruction.

    Last edited by LuckY; 08-21-2002 at 12:04 PM.

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