hey. i'm having trouble writting a push function for a queue. this is what i've got, in my head, it should work, but i'm not a computer.

struct queue
char charecter;
queue *next;

void push(queue* &top, char toPush)
queue *Temp;
queue *Traverser;
Temp = new queue;
Temp->charecter = toPush;
Temp->next = NULL;
if(top->next == NULL)
cout << "pushing to top";
top->charecter = toPush;
top->next = new queue; //this line seems to cause the error in visual c++ 6
for(Traverser = top ; Traverser->next != NULL ; Traverser = Traverser->next)
Traverser = Temp;
cout << "Qu char: " << Traverser->charecter << '\n';

the push function is what's giving me the trouble. the pop function works fine. i'll post it here incase anyone who helps needs it.

char pop(queue* &top)
char toReturn = top->charecter;
top = top->next;
return toReturn;

and here is my main

void main()
queue Qu;
Qu = new queue;
Qu->next = NULL;
cout << pop(Qu);