This assignment is from deitel and deitel text
it states modify the payroll sysem of fig 10.1 to add private data members birthdate ( a Date object and departmentCode ( an int ) to class Employee. Assume this payroll is processed once per month. THen as your program calculates the payroll for each Employee ( polymorphically add a 100,000 bonus to the person's payroll amount if this is the month in which the Employees birthday occurs

using std::cout;
using std::endl;


using std::ios;
using std::setiosflags;
using std::setprecision;

class Employee {
Employee( const char *, const char * );
~Employee(); // destructor reclaims memory
const char *getFirstName() const;
const char *getLastName() const;

// Pure virtual function makes Employee abstract base class
virtual double earnings() const = 0; // pure virtual
virtual void print() const; // virtual
char *firstName;
char *lastName;

Employee::Employee( const char *first, const char *last )
firstName = new char[ strlen( first ) + 1 ];
assert( firstName != 0 ); // test that new worked
strcpy( firstName, first );

lastName = new char[ strlen( last ) + 1 ];
assert( lastName != 0 ); // test that new worked
strcpy( lastName, last );

// Destructor deallocates dynamically allocated memory
delete [] firstName;
delete [] lastName;

// Return a pointer to the first name
// Const return type prevents caller from modifying private
// data. Caller should copy returned string before destructor
// deletes dynamic storage to prevent undefined pointer.
const char *Employee::getFirstName() const
return firstName; // caller must delete memory

// Return a pointer to the last name
// Const return type prevents caller from modifying private
// data. Caller should copy returned string before destructor
// deletes dynamic storage to prevent undefined pointer.
const char *Employee::getLastName() const
return lastName; // caller must delete memory

// Print the name of the Employee

void Employee:rint() const
{ cout << firstName << ' ' << lastName; }

//************************************************** ******

class Boss : public Employee {
Boss( const char *, const char *, double = 0.0 );
void setWeeklySalary( double );
virtual double earnings() const;
virtual void print() const;
double weeklySalary;

Boss::Boss( const char *first, const char *last, double s )
: Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor
{ setWeeklySalary( s ); }

// Set the Boss's salary
void Boss::setWeeklySalary( double s )
{ weeklySalary = s > 0 ? s : 0; }

// Get the Boss's pay
double Boss::earnings() const { return weeklySalary; }

// Print the Boss's name
void Boss:rint() const
cout << "\n Boss: ";

//************************************************** *****
class CommissionWorker : public Employee {
CommissionWorker( const char *, const char *,
double = 0.0, double = 0.0,
int = 0 );
void setSalary( double );
void setCommission( double );
void setQuantity( int );
virtual double earnings() const;
virtual void print() const;
double salary; // base salary per week
double commission; // amount per item sold
int quantity; // total items sold for week

// Constructor for class CommissionWorker
CommissionWorker::CommissionWorker( const char *first,
const char *last, double s, double c, int q )
: Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor
setSalary( s );
setCommission( c );
setQuantity( q );

// Set CommissionWorker's weekly base salary
void CommissionWorker::setSalary( double s )
{ salary = s > 0 ? s : 0; }

// Set CommissionWorker's commission
void CommissionWorker::setCommission( double c )
{ commission = c > 0 ? c : 0; }

// Set CommissionWorker's quantity sold
void CommissionWorker::setQuantity( int q )
{ quantity = q > 0 ? q : 0; }

// Determine CommissionWorker's earnings
double CommissionWorker::earnings() const
{ return salary + commission * quantity; }

// Print the CommissionWorker's name
void CommissionWorker:rint() const
cout << "\nCommission worker: ";

class PieceWorker : public Employee {
PieceWorker( const char *, const char *,
double = 0.0, int = 0);
void setWage( double );
void setQuantity( int );
virtual double earnings() const;
virtual void print() const;
double wagePerPiece; // wage for each piece output
int quantity; // output for week

// Constructor for class PieceWorker
PieceWorker::PieceWorker( const char *first, const char *last,
double w, int q )
: Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor
setWage( w );
setQuantity( q );

// Set the wage
void PieceWorker::setWage( double w )
{ wagePerPiece = w > 0 ? w : 0; }

// Set the number of items output
void PieceWorker::setQuantity( int q )
{ quantity = q > 0 ? q : 0; }

// Determine the PieceWorker's earnings
double PieceWorker::earnings() const
{ return quantity * wagePerPiece; }

// Print the PieceWorker's name
void PieceWorker:rint() const
cout << "\n Piece worker: ";

class HourlyWorker : public Employee {
HourlyWorker( const char *, const char *,
double = 0.0, double = 0.0);
void setWage( double );
void setHours( double );
virtual double earnings() const;
virtual void print() const;
double wage; // wage per hour
double hours; // hours worked for week

HourlyWorker::HourlyWorker( const char *first,
const char *last,
double w, double h )
: Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor
setWage( w );
setHours( h );

// Set the wage
void HourlyWorker::setWage( double w )
{ wage = w > 0 ? w : 0; }

// Set the hours worked
void HourlyWorker::setHours( double h )
{ hours = h >= 0 && h < 168 ? h : 0; }

// Get the HourlyWorker's pay
double HourlyWorker::earnings() const
if ( hours <= 40 ) // no overtime
return wage * hours;
else // overtime is paid at wage * 1.5
return 40 * wage + ( hours - 40 ) * wage * 1.5;

// Print the HourlyWorker's name
void HourlyWorker:rint() const
cout << "\n Hourly worker: ";

//************************************************** ****************

//main program

void virtualViaPointer( const Employee * );
void virtualViaReference( const Employee & );

int main()
// set output formatting
cout << setiosflags( ios::fixed | ios::showpoint )
<< setprecision( 2 );

Boss b( "John", "Smith", 800.00 );
b.print(); // static binding
cout << " earned $" << b.earnings(); // static binding
virtualViaPointer( &b ); // uses dynamic binding
virtualViaReference( b ); // uses dynamic binding

CommissionWorker c( "Sue", "Jones", 200.0, 3.0, 150 );
c.print(); // static binding
cout << " earned $" << c.earnings(); // static binding
virtualViaPointer( &c ); // uses dynamic binding
virtualViaReference( c ); // uses dynamic binding

PieceWorker p( "Bob", "Lewis", 2.5, 200 );
p.print(); // static binding
cout << " earned $" << p.earnings(); // static binding
virtualViaPointer( &p ); // uses dynamic binding
virtualViaReference( p ); // uses dynamic binding

HourlyWorker h( "Karen", "Price", 13.75, 40 );
h.print(); // static binding
cout << " earned $" << h.earnings(); // static binding
virtualViaPointer( &h ); // uses dynamic binding
virtualViaReference( h ); // uses dynamic binding
cout << endl;
return 0;

// Make virtual function calls off a base-class pointer
// using dynamic binding.
void virtualViaPointer( const Employee *baseClassPtr )
cout << " earned $" << baseClassPtr->earnings();

// Make virtual function calls off a base-class reference
// using dynamic binding.
void virtualViaReference( const Employee &baseClassRef )
cout << " earned $" << baseClassRef.earnings();