Thread: getline trouble

  1. #1
    Seeking motivation... endo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    getline trouble

    This must be something simple, but its driving me mad!! Why does the code shown below not extract the string for the school? All the other bits wrok fine, except the
    cin.getline( school, MAX, '\n' );
    bit doesn't seem to execute
    	const int MAX = 30;
    	system( "cls" );
    	char first[ MAX ];
    	cout << "\nEnter first name : ";
    	cin.getline( first, MAX, '\n' );
    	char last[ MAX ];
    	cout << "\nEnter last name : ";
    	cin.getline( last, MAX, '\n' );
    	int age;
    	cout << "\nEnter age : ";
    	cin >> age;
    	if( ) )
    		cerr << "Bad input fool!" << endl;
    		return false;
    	cin.ignore( 80, '\n' );
    	char sex;
    	cout << "\nSex ( M or F ): ";
    	cin >> sex;
    	if( sex != 'm' && sex != 'M' && sex != 'f' && sex != 'F'  )
    		cerr << "Bad input fool!" << endl;
    		return false;
    	char school[ MAX ];
    	cout << "\nEnter name of school : ";
    	cin.getline( school, MAX, '\n' );        //this bit aint working!
    	char grade;
    	cout << "\nEnter competitors grade :";
    	cin >> grade;
    	int heightOrWeight;
    	cout << ( age < 18 ? "\nEnter height ( cm ): " : "\nEnter weight ( kg ) : " );
    	cin >> heightOrWeight;
    Couldn't think of anything interesting, cool or funny - sorry.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    You forgot one of these

    cin.ignore( 80, '\n' );

    Which you need before each cin.getline() to tidy up after cin >> var; calls.

  3. #3
    Seeking motivation... endo's Avatar
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    May 2002
    Should they come after all input then? I've only ever used ignore after reading integer values.
    Couldn't think of anything interesting, cool or funny - sorry.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Apr 2002
    Salem's right.

    Different data types may be handled by different buffers, but the fact is that you need to flush the rascal to be sure.

    In your case, you're inputting char data in back-to-back operations. The '\n' character may very well not be removed from the stream when you input the school name.

    getline() reads to, and consumes '\n' (as opposed to get() which reads to, but leaves, '\n').

    Fair guess? getline() reads and "eats" the '\n' character still in the stream, and then leaves the pointer at the start of the school name sitting and waiting for somewhere to go.

    In other words, the school name is there, but still stuck in the stream buffer. Follow Salem's advice.

    "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail." Abraham Maslow

  5. #5
    always use ignore() before calls to get() or getline() unless you are absolutely sure what's already in the istream buffer.

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