POINT and pointer are quite different. POINT is a structure defined in one of the windows header files. It contains two variables that represent an x location and a y location.

A pointer is simply a memory address. For example, look at the following code:
int *pnum;//declares a pointer
int number;//declares an int
number=4;//sets number equal to 4
pnum=&number;//makes pnum 'point' to number
cout<<number //outputs 4
       <<endl<<*pnum //outputs a new line then 4 because 4 is the value stored at the address of number
       <<endl<<pnum; //outputs a new line then the memory address

cout<<number<<endl<<*pnum;  //outputs 6 twice because pnum points to number;
Basically, to get the value at the address, you use the * (dereference operator). To get the actual memory address, you leave out the *.