please help me out...

As the subjekt tells; I have a privat char array in a class
and 2 public functions, one to Set Name and one to Get Name.
but, I don't know how to return a string/char array

I need to use the GetName function in the win32 wsprintf() fucntion, which is like the sprintf() as far as I know?!?

how do i return a char array from a function?
and how do I use the function return in wsprintf()???

here is my code...

class Fighter
    void SetName(char NameSet[]);
    char* GetName();
    char Name[];
void Fighter::SetName(char NameSet[])
    strcpy(Name, NameSet);
char* Fighter::GetName()
    return Name;
//somewere in winprog
int szBuffer[100]
wsprintf (szBuffer, TEXT ("%s"), User.GetName() );
MessageBox (NULL, szBuffer , "Name", 0 + MB_DEFBUTTON1 + MB_ICONASTERISK);
my problem is realy more c++ then win32 I think...

thats all... please reply

I can attach my full projekt if you ask!