Thread: libraries

  1. #1


    how would i go about creating my own library? ex: one like OpenGL, or some thing? is it like a .dll?

  2. #2
    Sir Mister Insane Sako Klinerr1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    basicly its a file containing stuff like. if i had a file containing a bunch of varibales i would include it into myproject then i dont have to look at them while i program but i can still call for them.. if u want to create a file such as that all you gotta do is make a file put the stuff in it and name it .h or .o or wutever. header files purpse is to do stuff for you like miles of lines that you dont have do bother with. all you gotta do is include them. thats why a 1000 line program can be smaller then a 500. cause he 500 line program may ahve included big heade rfiles while the 1000 line one included 2 or 3 small ones.
    Email: [email protected] || AIM: MisterSako || MSN: [email protected]

    -the shroom has spoken

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