Could someone give me a few suggestions here:

I am using Visual C++ 6 Enterprise. I have written a small program that plays a wave file...

Application Type: Win32 Application (not console)
Using MFC: No

Program Description:

The program opens a data file and reads the first line to get the path to the wave file, then plays it using PlaySound. If either the data file or wave file can't be found, it displays a messagebox and then exits.

When compiled as "Debug", it works fine...and if I rename the data file, the messagebox appears and then the program closes...

I switch my "active build configuration" to "Release", compile and when I run it, it says it can't find the configuration file (yes, I named it back to the original). Also, instead of the messagebox having the message "Can't find data file", it is just filled with a bunch of crap and the title is the path to my executable, not the title I told it to display...

So I'm curious why this happened. I did not change any code from "Debug" to "Release".

Any ideas?