Originally posted by Unregistered
Wut Does l-value and r-value means?



why initialize it :char nz[6]="hello"; or char nz[]="hello";
I'm not sure why either, I only remember that's how the c-string is initialized. char nz[6] ="Hello"; is a string that can hold 5 characters, if you initialize to a string with more than 5 character, you'll get error messages. char nz[ ] = "hello" can hold as a string with many characters (undeterminated).

but not char nz[6];
nz="hello"; <---- is that coz,r-value cant be assigned to an l-value?
You can't assign any value with this syntax nz="hello", because nz is a c-string (an array of character termintated by a null). And you have to use strcpy() function.