I need to write function which duplicates a string. I didn't try to compile this one, but I think it works well:
char* clonestring(char* psource) {
  int length = strlen(psource) + 1;  //+ 1 for NULL, that's right, isn't it?
  char *pclone = new char[length]; 
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) pclone[i] = psource[i];  //I don't like this line :(
  return pclone;

//example of usage:
int main() {
  char short[] = "a";
  char long[] =  "aaaaaaaaaaa";
  char *copyofshort = clonestring(short);  //new memory (2 bytes) allocated, same value as short
  char *copyoflong =  clonestring(long);   //new memory (12 bytes) allocated, same value as short
  return 0;
Maybe you say "why this way". My goal is - not to allocate more memory than needed. If psource is single character, so function'd allocate two bytes (character and terminator, each one byte long, that's right, isn't it?), not more.

Can I replace the line with for statement with something shorter? Assignment or something??

Or maybe this whole function could be written any other, more optimal way???