ok I have a tidbit of code and it compiles and works in borland but in microsoft it doesn't so I need help here you go. Also it is not optimized and is kinda weird looking cause I am debugging it and this one is confusing the hell out of me cause you can acces parts of the array with subscript notation. It might help that when I am running the program I get
Unhandled Exception in idx.exe: 0xc0000005: Access Violation

char *lpCommandLine = argv[1];                          //holds the command line parameter such as c:\program files\index\*.idx  			
char FileNameBuffer[100] [100] = {0};                 // this holds files containing *.idx
GetPathName(lpCommandLine, FileNameBuffer); // here is where I call the function

int GetPathName(char *FilePathName2, char FileNameBuffer[100][100])
   int			nCount = 0;
   int			nChars = strlen(FilePathName2);
   char			Buffer[10] = {0};
   bool			bCantenate = false;
   char			*FilePathName = FilePathName2;

   while(nCount < nChars)
   	if(FilePathName[nCount] == 42)
		FilePathName[nCount] = '\0';
		bCantenate = true;

   nCount = 0;
   	while(FileNameBuffer[nCount][0] != '\0')
   		strncat(Buffer, FileNameBuffer[nCount], 10);
      	FileNameBuffer[nCount][0] = '\0';
   		strncat(FileNameBuffer[nCount], FilePathName, nChars);
      	strncat(FileNameBuffer[nCount], Buffer, 10);
      	Buffer[0] = '\0';