Hello all ! I was just wondering if anyone migth have any ideas about how i migth fix this problem. The problem is in this testfunction. I am reading in 4 bytes into a unsigned integer, but the data is backwards and i am tring to flip it around to display the correct vaules. After reading in 4 bytes and displaying
the data the output is " 42010000 ". However i was tring to flip the bits so it would be displayed as " 00000142 ". Does anyone have any ideas that migth help me here ???

void Test::testFunction(ifstream &inFile)
unsigned int buffer;

inFile.seekg(6240, ios::beg);
inFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&buffer), 4);

data = (buffer<<8)|buffer; // <--- not working here


thanks for any help guys