I want to know more about singly linked lists, so I decided to write a program: it would read some integers from a file, store them in linked list (*root) and sort them (and store sorted list in *sorted). This program is working, but I think it's not very readable and also I have found some problems:

In while loop (!fin.eof()) equals 1, when the input file is emty. It equals 0 only after reading from empty file, so my program creates one more node than is required, and I have to destroy it (using variable badnode and code around it..)
How I can read data (and store them in linked list) better, without problems with eof?

Also the sorting part isn't enough readable because of a great amount of if-else statements, and I think I don't need them.. I will think about it and I'll try to rewrite it
Do you know about some good tutorial about linked lists, binary trees and such things(for example 'halda', I don't know how it is called in English, maybe 'heap'..) ?

#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <process.h>

struct NodeT {
  int value;
  NodeT *next;

void printlist(NodeT *root)
  cout << ": ";
  while (root != NULL) {
	cout << root->value << ' ';
	root = root->next;
  cout << endl;

int main(void)
  /**** reading data: ****/

  ifstream fin("x.x");

  NodeT *root, *sorted, *p, *badnode;
  p = root = sorted = NULL; badnode = NULL;

  while (!fin.eof()) {
	if (root == NULL) { // zaciatok
	  p = root = new NodeT;
	else {
	  badnode = p;
	  p->next = new NodeT;
	  p = p->next;
	fin >> p->value;
	p->next = NULL;

  if (badnode == NULL) {
	delete root;
	root = NULL;
  else {
	delete badnode->next;
	badnode->next = NULL;
  p = NULL;

  // **** sort: ****

  NodeT *lastsortednode, *min;

  while (root != NULL) {
	cout << "root "; printlist(root);
	cout << "sorted "; printlist(sorted);
	min = p = root;

	while (p != NULL) {
	  if (p->value < min->value)
		min = p;
	  p = p->next;
	} // najde minimum min->value

	if (min == root) {
	  if (sorted == NULL) {
		lastsortednode = sorted = root;
	  else {
		lastsortednode->next = root; // adds node with minimal value to sorted list
		lastsortednode = lastsortednode->next;
	  root = root->next;
	  lastsortednode->next = NULL;
	else {
	  p = root;
	  while (p != NULL) {
		if (p->next == min)
		p = p->next;
	  } // finds node before minimum (p->next = min)

	  if (sorted == NULL) {
		lastsortednode = sorted = p->next;
	  else {
		lastsortednode->next = p->next; // adds node with minimal value to sorted list
		lastsortednode = lastsortednode->next;
	  p->next = min->next; // throws min out of unsorted part of list
	  lastsortednode->next = NULL;
	} // else (min == root)
  } // while root
  cout << "root "; printlist(root);
  cout << "sorted "; printlist(sorted);


  return 0;