I am trying to write the coding for a "menu that allows the user to choose which currency and the amount of the foreign currency they wish to convert to US dollars. The menu is displayed using a loop. The program will continue running until the user select "Exit" option. Function(s) (besides main()) must be used. Inputs should be checked for validity. An example of the output is as follows:

Currency Conversion
1) Swiss Franc
2) British Pound
3) Japanese Yen
4) Canadian Dollar
5) Euro
6) Exit the Program

Enter Your Choice (1-6): 3
Enter the Amount: 1000

1000 Japanese Yen = 8.1 US Dollars

1) Swiss Franc
2) British Pound
3) Japanese Yen
4) Canadian Dollar
5) Euro
6) Exit the Program

Enter Your Choice (1-6): 9
9 is an invalid selection. Try again!

1) Swiss Franc
2) British Pound
3) Japanese Yen
4) Canadian Dollar
5) Euro
6) Exit the Program

Enter Your Choice (1-6): 6

Note that your output must be formatted and aligned neatly. Insert comments in the program to document the program internally.