Hey guys! I got my first C++ homework assignment and the homework assignment I have to do is: A perfect number is a positive integer such that the sum of the proper divisors equals the number.

I have received 3 errors on this and could you point me out to those errors and show me how to correct it?

Here is the coding I have done so far:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int cotinue=1;
int main_num=0, test_num, divisor, sum_of_divisors;
int valid_input;
cout<< Enter;
while(cotinue == 1)

while(valid_input == 0)
cout<<"\n\nPlease input an integer: \n";


cout<<"The perfect positive numbers that are less than or equal to "<<main_num<<" include:\n";
for(test_num=1; test_num <= main_num; ++test_num)
for(divisor=1, sum_of_divisors=0; (divisor <= ((test_num / 2)+1)); ++divisor)
if((test_num % divisor) == 0)
sum_of_divisors = sum_of_divisors + divisor;
if(sum_of_divisors == test_num)

return 0;


Let me know

