In Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days there is an
exercise that asks the reader to create a program
that produces a memory leak. In the answers section
of the book, it says that this is the right answer:

int *Function();

int main()
  int *pMem = Function();
  cout<<"The Value of pMem in main is: " <<pMem <<"\n";
  return 0;

int *Function()
  int *pMem = new int;
  cout<<"The value of pMem in Function is: "<<pMem <<"\n";
  return pMem;
Anyway, both functions print the same address.
How come the book says this is a Memory Leak?
Why can't I call delete on main's pMem and free
the memory? They both have the same address...

I can't seem to understand this. I don't suppose
there is any chance that the book is wrong, is

Anyway, it's exercise 6 on Day 9 if you have the