namespace util
  void print_array(int array[])
    int count = sizeof( array ) / sizeof( array[0] );
    for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) cout << array[i];
class Util
    static void print_array(int array[])
      int count = sizeof(array);
      for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) cout << array[i];

util::print_array()  // Namespace
Util::print_array()  // Class
C++ - Namespace vs. Static Functions - Stack Overflow

Consider the example above from stackoverflow.

The static method is called from a class, similar to that of a namespace.
They are both valid when called although namespace is frowned upon because it is an extra language feature,
but the fundamental question is, which is which ?
The second question is, what to use ?

Furthermore, the static keyword in c hides the method; the method cannot be used outside that header, in that sense, a one-dimensional c programmer would be confused ?