
i have a Class with two arrays (for LC-Display control)
I want to set two arrays from outsite via a setter call.

Here it my code:

class userMenu

   String menuIdentifierArray[3][3] = 

{{"LED", "Val1", "Unit"},
{"Helligkeit", "Val2", "Unit"},
{"Servo", "Val4", "Unit"}};

   int16_t menuParameterArray[3][3] = {
        {1, 0, 10},
        {2, 0, 10},
        {3, 0, 10},};

The first array holds the menuDisplay Strings, the second the parameter values and limits.

Is there any chance to load this array from outsite into the privat area? The length of the array is variable, but is has always 3 items per element

Thx a lot