imagine that we have 2 pixels from differents HBITMAPS.
(for transparent, i just avoid the pixel color... it's easy)
using Math, how can i calculate the AlphaBlend?
honestly i did several searchs and i'm asking the same question on differents forums... but no luck
for start i need calculate the Opacy\AlphaBlend.
heres my actual Bitmap Class(for see if i'm doing some erros on Bitmap creation):
class Bitmap{
        unsigned int Width =0;
        unsigned int Height =0;
        RGBQUAD *Pixels=NULL;
        HBITMAP HBitmap=NULL;
        HBITMAP OldHBitmap =NULL;
        HDC HDCBitmap;
        BITMAPINFO BitInfo;
        void *BufferMemory=NULL;

        Bitmap(unsigned int SizeWidth, unsigned int SizeHeight, COLORREF BackColor=RGB(0,0,0))
        void Disposed()
            VirtualFree(BufferMemory, 0,MEM_RELEASE);
            SelectObject(HDCBitmap, OldHBitmap);

        void New(unsigned int SizeWidth, unsigned int SizeHeight, COLORREF BackColor=RGB(0,0,0))
        { //New HBITMAP:
            int BufferSize = SizeWidth * SizeHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

            if(BufferMemory) Disposed();
            BufferMemory = VirtualAlloc(0, BufferSize,MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
            Pixels =static_cast<RGBQUAD *> (BufferMemory);

            Width = SizeWidth;
            Height = SizeHeight;
            ZeroMemory(&BitInfo, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
            BitInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BitInfo.bmiHeader);
            BitInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = Width;
            BitInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -Height;
            BitInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
            BitInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
            BitInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
            //BitInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage =  BitInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth  * (-BitInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight)* sizeof(RGBQUAD);
            HBitmap = CreateBitmap(Width, Height,1,32,Pixels);
            HDCBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
            OldHBitmap= (HBITMAP)SelectObject(HDCBitmap, HBitmap);

        void Clear(COLORREF BackColor=RGB(0,0,0), BYTE AlphaValue=255)
            if(!BufferMemory) return;
            for(unsigned int PosY=0; PosY<Height; PosY++)
                for(unsigned int PosX=0; PosX<Width; PosX++)
                    Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbRed =GetRValue(BackColor);
                    Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbGreen =GetGValue(BackColor);
                    Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbBlue =GetBValue(BackColor);

        void Draw(HDC HDCDestination, int PosX, int PosY, BYTE AlphaValue=5 )
           //AlphaBlendWithTransparentColor (HDCDestination,PosX, PosY, Width, Height,HDCBitmap,PosX, PosY, Width,Height, SourceConstantAlpha, RGB(0,0,0));
            HBRUSH color = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,0,255));
            Ellipse(HDCBitmap, 0,0,100,100);

            BLENDFUNCTION bf;
            bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
            bf.BlendFlags = 0;
            bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
            bf.SourceConstantAlpha = AlphaValue;
            AlphaBlend(HDCDestination, PosX, PosY, Width, Height,HDCBitmap, 0,0,Width, Height, bf);

        void SetPixel(unsigned int PosX, unsigned int PosY, COLORREF Color)
                if(PosX>=Width|| PosX<0) PosX = Width-1;
                if(PosY>=Height || PosY<0) PosY = Height-1;
                Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbRed =GetRValue(Color);
                Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbGreen =GetGValue(Color);
                Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbBlue =GetBValue(Color);

        RGBQUAD GetPixel(unsigned int PosX, unsigned int PosY)
                if(PosX>=Width|| PosX<0) PosX = Width-1;
                if(PosY>=Height || PosY<0) PosY = Height-1;
                return Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX];

        void DrawLine3D(Position3D Origin, Position3D Destination, COLORREF Color, BYTE Alpha=0)
            if(!BufferMemory) return;
            std::vector<Position3D> GetLineDots = GetLinePoints(Origin, Destination);
            for(unsigned int x=0; x<GetLineDots.size()-1; x++)
                unsigned int PosX = GetLineDots[x].PosX;
                unsigned int PosY = GetLineDots[x].PosY;
                if(PosX>=Width|| PosX<0) PosX = Width-1;
                if(PosY>=Height || PosY<0) PosY = Height-1;
                Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbRed =GetRValue(Color)*Alpha/255;
                Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbGreen =GetGValue(Color)*Alpha/255;
                Pixels[PosY*Width + PosX].rgbBlue =GetBValue(Color)*Alpha/255;
