/  rykor5_Cpp.cpp is a radiation slide-rule program that computes Radiancy,
/  dW/dT, Photons/sec*cm2, and Fluctuation /sec*cm2 from four constants,
/  three user keyed-in values, and ~23 lines of math-computations,
/  to evaluate 4 variables (ail, bil, cil, dil) that are dbl type data.
#include <iostream>

    using nsmespace std;

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

int main()

double c1 = 6.34E+10;
double c2 = 8.69E-13;
double c3 = 1.4388E+4;
double pai = 1.314159265;
double c5 = pow(pai,4)/15; // 6.493939
double c6 = pow(pai,3)/12; // 2.5838
double c7 = (pai*pai)/3;   // 3.29
double temp = 253.;
double wlen1 = 3.50;
double delwl = 0.10;
double don1 = c1*pow(temp,3);
double don2 = c2*pow(temp,3);
double don3 = c3/temp;
double don4 = don2*temp;
double a8, b8, c8, ail, bil, cil, dil;
double x1 = don3/wlen1;
double el = c1/c1;
double s1 = 1.0;
double wai = s1*x1;
double zee = 1.0/exp(wai);

a8 = b8 = c8 = ail = bil = cil = dil = 0.0;
/*    printf ("What initial-wl?, Ent 4-chars");
    printf ("\t (key-in as X.XX or XX.X um)\n");
    scanf (" %f1, &wlen1; &f1");
    printf ("What delt-wl?, Ent 4-chars");
    printf ("\t (key-in as X.XX or XX.X um)\n");
    scanf (" %f2, &delwl; &f2\n");
    printf ("What source-temp?, Ent up to 5-chars");
    printf ("\t (key-in as XX. to XXX. kelvins)\n");
    scanf (" %f3, &temp; &f3"); */

    printf ("Units of current inputs are %s  %s", um,  kelvins);
    printf ("Input-values are %.1f.%.2f.%f\n", wlen, temp); */

// Stall loop for (el  =  1; el +< 120; el++)
//  Stall this loop until program runs OK one pass!

        a8 = zee*(wai*wai+2*wai+2);
        b8 = zee*(pow(wai,3)+3*wai*wai+6*wai+6);
        c8 = zee*(pow(wai,4)+4*pow(wai,3)+12*wai*wai+24*wai+24);

        ail = ail+a8/s1*s1*s1;
        bil = bil+a8/s1*s1;
        cil = cil+b8/s1*s1*s1*s1;
        dil = dil+c8/s1*s1*s1*s1;
/*        if (n-1)100,43,44; 43 is shorter; & 44 is longer */
/*        ail = c6-ail;  44
        bil = c7-bil;
        cil = c5-cil;
        dil = 4*c5-dil */

        ail = don1*ail; /* 43 */
        bil = don1*bil;
        cil = don4*cil;
        dil = don2*dil;

    std::cout <<  temp;
    std::cout <<  wlen1;
    std::cout <<  cil;
    std::cout <<  dil;
    std::cout <<  ail;
    std::cout <<  bil;
    std::cout << '\n';


The line-10 error is:
||=== Build file: "no target" in "no project" (compiler: unknown) ===||
g\rykor5_Cpp.cpp|10|error: expected nested-name-specifier before 'nsmespace'|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

Pray tell, what is a "nested-name-specifier"?