//I'm learning to make a simple program that allows the user to create profiles which store information on each person. I got the whole create a structure thing but I need to know how to let the user type in what they want the name of the structure to be (since there will be different names). Rather than a set name for the structure. Take a look at my code:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct database
char name[30];
float id_number;

int main()

struct database employee;

char input_name[30];
float input_id;

printf("Name: ");
printf("ID: ");

strcpy( employee.name, input_name);
employee.id_number = input_id;

printf("\nName = %s", employee.name );
printf("\nSalary = %6.2f", employee.id_number );

return 0;

//Right now it asks the user to input some information, and reports it under the structure titled "employee". What if I don't want "employee". I want them to choose what goes there. I'm sure this is beginners stuff to you guys so I'll thank you in advance for all the advice. Thanks.
