Thread: Online learning C++ (in free as first step)

  1. #1
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    Online learning C++ (in free as first step)

    Hi, Im new on C++ programming and searching for any good online website to learn C++ language by myself and its basic .. any help or advice for a good resource? thanks alot!

    if there's a video teaching C++ then would be more valued and appreciated to learn faster.


  2. #2
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    inside a singularity
    You should really be buying a book or downloading a PDF to refer to whenever you have to. A lot of online tutorials are utter nonsense however some really try their best to get through to the learners head. C/C++ is not a good first programming language to learn because, I don't know, everyone on the net says so. YouTube videos aren't that good either. I mean there is The Cherno C++ and a few more but these tutorials don't contain everything you need to know. There is content available to some extent but they don't cover it all. You need to be able to Google things and ask a lot questions and invest a lot of time, more importantly, practice a lot of code.

    GeeksforGeeks and CppReference were my favourite websites to learn from. Eventually, you join a forum like this one, and it becomes your favourite place to learn from because you can talk to actual people and ask them why something is the way it is. You get, sometimes, a mix of opinions which broadens your knowledge. You get to see code other people post and what problems they are trying to solve and eventually you end up learning a lot more than you thought you needed too which in turn fires up your curiosity to learn more.

    @laserlight is the one you should be speaking to. She's a C++ expert, I've come to know.
    Last edited by Zeus_; 12-06-2019 at 03:10 AM.
    "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled

  3. #3
    I had a good time learning with, I think it's well structured/paced to get started and fairly comprehensive. I keep recommending it to anyone asking this.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    if there's a video teaching C++ then would be more valued and appreciated to learn faster.
    It may seem so in some early phase of study, but I can assure you this will not be true as you progress. You can read faster than anyone can speak. You can choose subject material to study more readily in written material. Ultimately, experimentation (putting the code in your hands) is by far the most productive learning time.

    Naturally, as a result of my viewpoint, I don't even know of good video materials.

    To that end, too, you'll need to consider well founded and authoritative texts on the subject.

    One of the points Stroustrup makes is that it is far more difficult to unlearn bad habits than it is to learn good ones first. To that end, I find Stroustrup's text, "C++ Princples and Practices", quite good, though it is only good for serious students.

    One thing I want to convey to new students is that C++ has gone through several stages of evolution. It is important to learn modern C++ in the present epoch, which is to say C++17 and all that is valid in C++17 from C++14 and C++11. It is equally important to use a current compiler compliant with C++17, and to be certain it is configured for that (some require explicitly setting a C++17 compiler setting).

    With that said, there is a large body of code written to the older standards still in use. This isn't a problem, especially when that code works well. Those of us who "grew up" with C++ (like myself, having written in C++ since the late 80's), we find ourselves shifting gears frequently as we maintain or expand/evolve legacy code. Stroustrup points out that it is much simpler to understand older code from the standpoint of knowing modern C++ than it is to have learned the older form first, then expand into the modern version. I lived through that many times as C++ evolved, and I can attest that he's right about that.

  5. #5
    Kiss the monkey. CodeMonkey's Avatar
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    I learned at first by googling for online tutorials and asking questions on this board.

    However, that's the inefficient way. I didn't even begin to understand the language until I read Stroustrup's book "The C++ Programming Language." Try to get your hands on it.

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