Quote Originally Posted by maemec View Post
How convert string of vector<string> s, to char type as using bits/stdc++.h ?

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>

 char ch;
vector<string> s;

int i=0;
while((ch=s[i++])) {

cout << ch << '--- ' ;

it'll give:

How to solve?
Think about it this way. A vector<string> an array of array of chars. So what you're really asking is similar to wanting to convert an entire spreadsheet into a single cell! So unless that two-dimensional grid only contains one lone value then it just doesn't make much sense. But if it did it would be as simple as v[r][c] where `v` is the vector, `r` is the row coordinate of the character and `c` the column.