I'm trying to implement a program that Deletes a Record in a binary file without the use of a temporary file.

class Manager


	int  ID;
	char Name[20];


	void AddRecord      (void);
	void DeleteRecord   (void);
	void DisplayRecords (void);


void Manager::DeleteRecord (void)
	clrscr ();

	int SearchID;

	cout << endl << " CHOICE: Delete Record!" << endl;

	fstream fin ("Manager.dat" , ios::in | ios::nocreate | ios::binary);

	if (!fin) cout << endl << " Error!" << endl;

		cout << endl << " Enter ID (to be deleted): "; cin >> SearchID;

		bool found = false;

		fstream fout ("Manager.dat" , ios::out | ios::ate | ios::binary);

		if (!fout) cout << endl << " Error!" << endl;

		fout.seekp (0 , ios::beg);

		while (fin.read ((char*)this , sizeof(Manager)))
			if (SearchID == ID)
				found = true;


			fout.write ((char*)this , sizeof(Manager));


		if (!found) cout << endl << " No Records with ID: " << SearchID << " found!" << endl;

		fin.close ();
The code I've written works perfectly fine in deleting a record except there is an obvious error.

Initial content in my file:

1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D

In my initial file, if I choose to delete record with ID = 4, I get:

1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D

In my initial file, if I choose to delete record with ID = 3, I get:

1 A
2 B
4 D
4 D

In my initial file, if I choose to delete record with ID = 2, I get:

1 A
3 C
4 D
4 D

In my initial file, if I choose to delete record with ID = 1, I get:

2 B
3 C
4 D
4 D

What I can observe from this is that the actual data that I want to delete is being deleted but the No. of Records is still remaining 4 (the 4th one always being "4 D" in this case).

If I take my class size as 22 Bytes( int ID being 2 on Turbo , char Name[20] being 20 ), then my file size results in 88 Bytes. So, when I delete a record my file size should end up being 66 Bytes but I do not know how to implement that. My file remains 88 Bytes as the last record always remains.

How can I fix this?
