Thread: Sometimes "goto" is useful

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    Sometimes "goto" is useful

    Here is an example of a 4 way (no minheap) bottom up merge sort, which is about 15% faster than a 2 way merge sort and about as fast (sometimes a bit faster) than quick sort, on a processor with 16 registers, such as X86 in 64 bit mode, where the compiler optimization uses 8 of the registers for pointers to the current and end of runs. Trying to remove the goto's in this case would duplicate code and make it more complex. To implement this in Java, which doesn't have goto (but does reserve it), I had to switch to a top down merge sort, which is a bit slower, somewhat defeating the purpose of a 4 way merge sort (for performance).

    One general reason for using goto is when there are multiple paths leading to common code, and this is an example of that.

    int * BottomUpMergeSort(int a[], int b[], size_t n)
    int *p0r;       // ptr to      run 0
    int *p0e;       // ptr to end  run 0
    int *p1r;       // ptr to      run 1
    int *p1e;       // ptr to end  run 1
    int *p2r;       // ptr to      run 2
    int *p2e;       // ptr to end  run 2
    int *p3r;       // ptr to      run 3
    int *p3e;       // ptr to end  run 3
    int *pax;       // ptr to set of runs in a
    int *pbx;       // ptr for merged output to b
    size_t rsz = 1; // run size
        if(n < 2)
            return a;
        if(n == 2){
            if(a[0] > a[1])std::swap(a[0],a[1]);
            return a;
        if(n == 3){
            if(a[0] > a[2])std::swap(a[0],a[2]);
            if(a[0] > a[1])std::swap(a[0],a[1]);
            if(a[1] > a[2])std::swap(a[1],a[2]);
            return a;
        while(rsz < n){
            pbx = &b[0];
            pax = &a[0];
            while(pax < &a[n]){
                p0e = rsz + (p0r = pax);
                if(p0e >= &a[n]){
                    p0e = &a[n];
                    goto cpy10;}
                p1e = rsz + (p1r = p0e);
                if(p1e >= &a[n]){
                    p1e = &a[n];
                    goto mrg201;}
                p2e = rsz + (p2r = p1e);
                if(p2e >= &a[n]){
                    p2e = &a[n];
                    goto mrg3012;}
                p3e = rsz + (p3r = p2e);
                if(p3e >= &a[n])
                    p3e = &a[n];
                // 4 way merge
                    if(*p0r <= *p1r){
                        if(*p2r <= *p3r){
                            if(*p0r <= *p2r){
    mrg40:                      *pbx++ = *p0r++;    // run 0 smallest
                                if(p0r < p0e)       // if not end run continue
                                goto mrg3123;       // merge 1,2,3
                            } else {
    mrg42:                      *pbx++ = *p2r++;    // run 2 smallest
                                if(p2r < p2e)       // if not end run continue
                                goto mrg3013;       // merge 0,1,3
                        } else {
                            if(*p0r <= *p3r){
                                goto mrg40;         // run 0 smallext
                            } else {
    mrg43:                      *pbx++ = *p3r++;    // run 3 smallest
                                if(p3r < p3e)       // if not end run continue
                                goto mrg3012;       // merge 0,1,2
                    } else {
                        if(*p2r <= *p3r){
                            if(*p1r <= *p2r){
    mrg41:                      *pbx++ = *p1r++;    // run 1 smallest
                                if(p1r < p1e)       // if not end run continue
                                goto mrg3023;       // merge 0,2,3
                            } else {
                                goto mrg42;         // run 2 smallest
                        } else {
                            if(*p1r <= *p3r){
                                goto mrg41;         // run 1 smallest
                            } else {
                                goto mrg43;         // run 3 smallest
                // 3 way merge
    mrg3123:    p0r = p1r;
                p0e = p1e;
    mrg3023:    p1r = p2r;
                p1e = p2e;
    mrg3013:    p2r = p3r;
                p2e = p3e;
    mrg3012:    while(1){
                    if(*p0r <= *p1r){
                        if(*p0r <= *p2r){
                            *pbx++ = *p0r++;        // run 0 smallest
                            if(p0r < p0e)           // if not end run continue
                            goto mrg212;            // merge 1,2
                        } else {
    mrg32:                  *pbx++ = *p2r++;        // run 2 smallest
                            if(p2r < p2e)           // if not end run continue
                            goto mrg201;            // merge 0,1
                    } else {
                        if(*p1r <= *p2r){
                            *pbx++ = *p1r++;        // run 1 smallest
                            if(p1r < p1e)           // if not end run continue
                            goto mrg202;            // merge 0,2
                        } else {
                            goto mrg32;             // run 2 smallest
                // 2 way merge
    mrg212:     p0r = p1r;
                p0e = p1e;
    mrg202:     p1r = p2r;
                p1e = p2e;
    mrg201:     while(1){
                    if(*p0r <= *p1r){
                        *pbx++ = *p0r++;            // run 0 smallest
                        if(p0r < p0e)               // if not end run continue
                        goto cpy11;
                    } else {
                        *pbx++ = *p1r++;            // run 1 smallest
                        if(p1r < p1e)               // if not end run continue
                        goto cpy10;
                // 1 way copy
    cpy11:      p0r = p1r;
                p0e = p1e;
    cpy10:      while (1) {
                    *pbx++ = *p0r++;                // copy element
                    if (p0r < p0e)                  // if not end of run continue
                pax += rsz << 2;            // setup for next set of runs
            std::swap(a, b);                // swap ptrs
            rsz <<= 2;                      // quadruple run size
        return a;                           // return sorted array
    Last edited by rcgldr; 06-09-2019 at 08:06 PM.

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