Hello. Well... as the tittle says, im trying to figure out how to jump back or forward depending on the command a string in a vector of strings. For example, I have the following texr
a = 4
b = 1
IF ( a < 1 ) THEN JUMP 9
b = ( b * a )
a = ( a - 1 )
if a JUMP comes i need to go to the line of the jump, i tried a lot of combinations but i keep getting either an inifinite loop or nothing at all. This is the code. I know it might be wrong or not very efficient but its one of my first projects.
bool AYED2019::operaciones(vector<string> Original) {    bool cond;
    int aux1 = 0, aux2 = 0, o2 = 0, o1 = 0, tempA = 0, tempB = 0;
    char auxiliar;
    int d = 0;
    char h, k, operacion;
    for (linea_actual = Script.begin(); linea_actual != Script.end(); linea_actual++) {
        string& cadena = *linea_actual;
        if (cadena.find("INT") == 0) {

//for (linea_actual = Script.begin(); linea_actual != Script.end(); linea_actual++) {
        //string& cadena = *linea_actual;
        if (cadena.at(2) == '=') {
            for (iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin(); iterador_mapa != Entorno.end(); iterador_mapa++) {
                //cout << "int: " << iterador_mapa->first << " " << "value: " << iterador_mapa->second;
                if (Entorno.find(cadena.at(0)) != Entorno.end() && isnumS(cadena.at(4))) {
                    Entorno[cadena.at(0)] = atoi(&cadena.at(4));

    //for (linea_actual = Script.begin(); linea_actual != Script.end(); linea_actual++) {
        iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin();
        //string& cadena = *linea_actual;
            if (cadena.at(2) == '=') {
                if (Entorno.find(cadena.at(6)) != Entorno.end()) {
                    auxiliar = iterador_mapa->first;
                    tempA = Entorno[cadena.at(6)];
                if (isnumS(cadena.at(10))) {
                    tempB = atoi(&cadena.at(10));
                else {
                    tempB = Entorno[cadena.at(10)];
                operacion = cadena.at(8);
                calcular(tempA, tempB, operacion);
                Entorno[cadena.at(0)] = calcular(tempA, tempB, operacion);
//    }

    //for (linea_actual = Script.begin(); linea_actual != Script.end(); linea_actual++) {
        iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin();
        //string& cadena = *linea_actual;
        if (cadena.at(0) == 'I' && cadena.at(1) == 'F') {
            size_t pos1 = cadena.find("IF");
            string str1 = cadena.substr(pos1);
            for (iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin(); iterador_mapa != Entorno.end(); iterador_mapa++) {
                if (Entorno.find(cadena.at(5)) != Entorno.end()) {
                    o1 = Entorno[cadena.at(5)];
                    //    cout << "El valor de o1 es: " << o1 << endl;
                    aux1 = 1;
                    if (Entorno.find(cadena.at(9)) != Entorno.end()) {
                        o2 = Entorno[cadena.at(9)];
                        //        cout << "El valor de o2 es: " << o2 << endl;
                        aux2 = 1;
                    else {
                        o2 = atoi(&str1.at(9));
                        //        cout << "El valor de o2 es: " << o2 << endl;
                        aux2 = 1;
                    if (aux1 == 1 && aux2 == 1) {
                        h = str1.at(7);
                        condicionIfElse(h, o1, o2);
            if (condicionchequeada) {
                if (size_t pos = cadena.find("THEN")) {
                    string str3 = cadena.substr(pos);
                    iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin();
                    if (str3.find("SHOW")) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < str3.size(); i++) {
                            if (Entorno.find(cadena.at(5)) != Entorno.end()) {
                                cout << "Showing: " << Entorno[cadena.at(5)] << endl;
                    if (str3.find("JUMP")) {
                        if (isnumS(cadena.at(5))) {
                            linea_actual = Script.begin();
                                for(int i = 0; i < (int) cadena.at(5) - '0' - 2; i++){
    //for (linea_actual = Script.begin(); linea_actual != Script.end(); linea_actual++) {
        //iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin();
    //    string& cadena = *linea_actual;
        if (cadena.at(0) == 'S' && cadena.at(1) == 'H' && cadena.at(2) == 'O' && cadena.at(3) == 'W') {
            if ((iterador_mapa = Entorno.find(cadena.at(5))) != Entorno.end()) {
                cout << "Showing: " << Entorno[cadena.at(5)] << endl;;

    for (linea_actual = Script.begin(); linea_actual != Script.end(); linea_actual++) {
        iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin();
        string& cadena = *linea_actual;
        if (cadena.at(0) == 'J' && cadena.at(1) == 'U' && cadena.at(2) == 'M' && cadena.at(3) == 'P') {
            if (isnumS(cadena.at(5))) {
                d = (atoi(&cadena.at(5)));
                linea_actual = Script.begin();
                for(int i = 0; i < d - 2; i++){

    //for (iterador_mapa = Entorno.begin(); iterador_mapa != Entorno.end(); iterador_mapa++) {
        //cout << " " << iterador_mapa->first << " : " << iterador_mapa->second << endl;

Thank you so much in advance. Oh I almost forgot...
typedef char Nombre;	typedef int Valor;
    unordered_map <Nombre, Valor> Entorno;
	unordered_map <char, int>::iterator iterador_mapa, iterador_aux ;
	vector<string> Script;
	vector<string>::iterator linea_actual;
Those are the iterators and vectors im using