Linked_list& Linked_list::operator= (const Linked_list& list) {

    Node* node = new Node, *temp = list.head->next;

    while (temp != nullptr) {
        node = temp;
        temp = temp->next;
    head = list.head;
I'm making a class for linked list. I want the '=' to work so that all the nodes in the current object gets deleted and the nodes are inherited from the passed object.

Can I call Linked_list::~Linked_list(); like that? Here's what I have under the destructor:
Linked_list::~Linked_list() {
    Node* node = head;
    Node* previous_node;
    while (node->next != nullptr) {
        previous_node = node;
        node = node->next;
        delete previous_node;
The class has an integer data member. So would calling the destructor like that also destruct the int?

I also saw that you can write 'delete this;', does that achieve the same thing as here?