
I'm getting a couple errors in c++;

What I'm trying to do is covert some character to another character.
for file output.

the while loop is messing up pretty bad Microsoft is throwin some random
characters in there instead of using the right ones..

I was trying to use getline to get strings and just edit the strings.
but app is erroring out and everything.
I can use file.get(cstr); and I have to get 1 char at a time.
but it wont let me change characters in a string in a while loop.

dev c++. has some probs. I'm using vs2017 community.
atoi not working so its hard to covert between characters.
strcpy not working. looks like they threw out some old stuff.

string has a problem getting single characters off the string.
but I can still convert char to string which is ok. and using int to string.
this is just basic c++ stuff and they threw us out of it just for some while loop and string exploit probably.

anyway what I got going on is.. I'm using get to get single character from a file and converting them. but because of while loop I can only convert 1 char in the entire prog. unless I want I want to write out the binary table again and again. but I can convert int to string np..

any ideas on how to get some more accurate results in changing single string character. or way to fix while loop.
ive heard before using String sometimes helps with the new stuff.
but I don't know how to single string char in and out of there from string.

what I'm working on is something other than ascii. but even though
it is what it uses to record char if I could see my binary it would be
easier to work on it.
like I said I got it working I just returns 1char per running of the file without a while loop. I found something in binary. everybody knows
like ascii is 256bit. but they are just recording ascii in that amount.
its really 1 or 0 a time eight bit. so its half of 256 is what a real program uses 128. which is considerd encrypted. or is what it is in
8bit encryption including the 0 in other words as part of a bit in enc.

any help with String or anything I might be able to convert single characters to in a while loop. or another solution is appreaciated.

strcpy isn't working either. what a fog of of c++. I don't like it.
