Thread: Linked-list custom iterator

  1. #1
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    Linked-list custom iterator

    Hello All, Season's Greetings.

    I'm trying to write a custom iterator for a double linked-list, the code raises hope by compiling and then crashes spectacularly. The debug message is below:
    #0 0x45e99d	std::__shared_ptr<test::Link<std::string>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::operator=(this=0x8) (C:/Program Files 
    #1 0x45d8ad	std::shared_ptr<test::Link<std::string> >::operator=(this=0x8) 
    (C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeBlocks/MinGW/lib/gcc/mingw32/4.9.2/include/c++/bits/shared_ptr.h:93)
    #2 0x42e30d	test::List<std::string>::List(this=0x28fea8)
    And the program is here: Private Paste - Pastie
    I'd be very grateful if someone could offer me some guidance. Many thanks

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Please paste the code as the link you have shared is not working

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Please paste your code into a post your link location seems to be broken.


  5. #5
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    With apologies:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <initializer_list>
    #include <memory>
    #include <string>
    namespace test
        template <typename Elem>
        struct Link
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _prev;
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _next;
            Elem _val;
            Link(Elem val) : _val(val){}
        template <typename Elem>
        struct List
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _first;
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _last;
            size_t _size;
            template <typename T>
            struct Iter
                using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
                using value_type = T;
                using pointer = std::shared_ptr<T>;
                using reference = T&;
                using size_type = size_t;
                using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
                std::shared_ptr<T> _p;
                Iter(std::shared_ptr<T> p) : _p(p) {}
                Iter(T* p) { std::shared_ptr<T> smrt_p = std::shared_ptr<T>(p); _p = smrt_p;}
                ~Iter (){_p = nullptr;}
                Iter(const Iter& rhs) : _p (rhs._p) {}
                Iter& operator = (Iter rhs) { std::swap(_p, rhs._p); return *this; }
                Iter& operator ++ () { _p = _p->_next; return *this; }
                Iter operator ++ (int) { Iter it(*this); _p = _p->next; return it; }
                Iter& operator -- () { _p = _p->prev; return *this;}
                Iter operator -- (int) { Iter it(*this); _p = _p->prev; return it;}
                bool operator == (const Iter& rhs) { return _p == rhs._p; }
                bool operator != (const Iter& rhs) { return _p != rhs._p; }
                Elem& operator *() const { return _p->_val; }
                Iter<T> operator + (int i)
                    Iter<T> iter = *this;
                    while (i-- > 0 && iter._p)
                    return iter;
            using iterator = Iter<Link<Elem>>;
            using const_iterator = Iter<const Link<Elem>>;
            List() { _size = 0; _first = nullptr; _last = nullptr; _first -> _next = _last ;}
             void add(const Elem &value)
                std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> newNode  (new Link<Elem>(value));
                newNode->_next = _first->_next;
                _first->_next = newNode;
            List(const List& rhs)
                _size = 0; _first = nullptr; _last = nullptr; _first -> _next = _last;
                for(const_iterator i = rhs.cbegin(); i!= rhs.cend(); ++i)
            List(List&& rhs)
                _size = 0; _first = nullptr; _last = nullptr; _first -> _next = _last;
                _size = rhs._size;
                _first = rhs._first;
                _last = rhs._last;
                rhs._size = 0;
                rhs._first = nullptr;
                rhs._last = nullptr;
            List& operator = (List rhs)
                swap(*this, rhs);
                return *this;
            List& operator = (List&& rhs)
                assert(this != &rhs);
                while (_first->_next != _last)
                _first = rhs._first;
                _last = rhs._last;
                _size = rhs._size;
                rhs._size = 0;
                rhs._first = nullptr;
                rhs._last = nullptr;
                return *this;
                while (_first->_next != _last)
            friend void swap(List& lhs, List& rhs)
                std::swap(lhs._size, rhs._size);
                std::swap(lhs._first, rhs._first);
                std::swap(lhs._last, rhs._last);
            void remove(iterator removeIter)
                std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> final = _first;
                iterator i = begin();
                while (i != removeIter)
                    final = i._p;
                if (i != end())
                    final->_next = i._p->_next;
            const size_t getSize() { return _size; }
            iterator begin()
                return iterator(_first->_next);
            const_iterator cbegin() const
                return iterator(_first->next);
            iterator end()
                return iterator(_last.get());
            const_iterator cend() const
                return iterator(_last.get());
    int main()
        std::initializer_list <std::string> myInitList {"Cambridge", "Oxford", "Imperial", "LSE"};
        test::List<std::string> myList;
        for (auto& e : myInitList)
        for (test::List<std::string>::iterator iter = myList.begin(); iter != myList.end(); ++iter)
            std::cout << *(iter) << ' ';
    Above are reference links used for this program */
    Last edited by sean_cantab; 12-28-2016 at 08:43 AM.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Have you run the program with your debugger? Your debugger should be able to tell you exactly where it detects the problem. For example this is what my compiler reports for the call stack after the crash:

    #0 0x45392d	std::__shared_ptr<test::Link<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::operator=(this=0x10) (/opt/gcc/6.1.0/include/c++/6.1.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:870)
    #1 0x453975	std::shared_ptr<test::Link<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >::operator=(this=0x10) (/opt/gcc/6.1.0/include/c++/6.1.0/bits/shared_ptr.h:93)
    #2 0x453a38	test::List<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >::List(this=0x7fffffffdf40) (main.cpp:66)
    #3 0x453598	main() (main.cpp:168)
    So with this call stack you would pretty much ignore the first two locations because they are part of the STL and are most likely not the real problem. So then that moves you to the third message, which happens to be on line 66 in your code:
            List() { _size = 0; _first = nullptr; _last = nullptr; _first -> _next = _last ;}
    And this line is definitely the problem. You're trying to access a value though a nullptr so the program crashes.

    By the way this line is also malformed.
            const size_t getSize() { return _size; }
    The const qualifier is probably in the wrong place. It probably should be more like:
            size_t getSize() const { return _size; }
    Which tells the compiler that this function won't change any of the class member variables.

    Also this line:
                using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
    Since you're not using the using namespace std; clause you need to properly scope the ptrdiff_t type.


  7. #7
    Registered User MutantJohn's Avatar
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    I wouldn't advise using shared_ptr in this context.

    I have heard that using shared pointers in this kind of context does nothing but create memory leaks (because of the circular references) but regardless, smart pointers are used in C++ to represent ownership over a region of memory. In this instance, the code you're writing is trying to say that each node partially "owns" its neighbors. Keep in mind, a linked list is basically just a graph so that's why I say "neighbors".

    So now I have to ask, who actually "owns" the memory in a linked list?

  8. #8
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    Jim: many thanks, I can report some progress after changing lines 66, 76 and 84 to:
    _size = 0; _first.reset (new Link<Elem>); _last.reset (new Link<Elem>);  _first -> _next = _last;
    Now the program aborts after printing the last element of the initializer list which would be the first node in the linked list. So is the iterator not incrementing correctly? The debugger red-flagged this warning:
    #1 0x42de3a    test::Link<std::string>::~Link (this=0x782b40, __in_chrg=<optimized out>)
    I tried adding a dtor to Link but that doesn't change anything:
      ~Link() {}
    John: copy assignment (used in test::List<Elem>::remove()) is deleted for unique_ptr and nullptr cannot be assigned to weak_ptr (and it might not be a good choice in any case), so I've fallen back on shared_ptr as far as smart pointer choice is concerned. Would you suggest unique_ptr with move semantics? As regards who "owns" the memory in a linked list, I think that would be the head? Thanks
    Last edited by sean_cantab; 12-28-2016 at 11:18 AM.

  9. #9
    Registered User MutantJohn's Avatar
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    I'd almost just suggest raw pointers. :P

    It seems like smart pointers do not favor graph-based data structures.

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Please post your current code.


  11. #11
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    Here's the latest that only prints the first node and aborts, thanks
    #include <iostream>
    #include <initializer_list>
    #include <memory>
    #include <string>
    namespace test
        template <typename Elem>
        struct Link
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _prev;
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _next;
            Elem _val;
            ~Link () {}
            Link(Elem val) : _val(val){}
        template <typename Elem>
        struct List
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _first;
            std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> _last;
            size_t _size;
            template <typename T>
            struct Iter
                using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
                using value_type = T;
                using pointer = std::shared_ptr<T>;
                using reference = T&;
                using size_type = size_t;
                using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
                std::shared_ptr<T> _p;
                Iter(std::shared_ptr<T> p) : _p(p) {}
                Iter(T* p) { std::shared_ptr<T> smrt_p = std::shared_ptr<T>(p); _p = smrt_p;}
                ~Iter (){_p = nullptr;}
                Iter(const Iter& rhs) : _p (rhs._p) {}
                Iter& operator = (Iter rhs) { std::swap(_p, rhs._p); return *this; }
                Iter& operator ++ () { _p = _p->_next; return *this; }
                Iter operator ++ (int) { Iter it(*this); _p = _p->next; return it; }
                Iter& operator -- () { _p = _p->prev; return *this;}
                Iter operator -- (int) { Iter it(*this); _p = _p->prev; return it;}
                bool operator == (const Iter& rhs) { return _p == rhs._p; }
                bool operator != (const Iter& rhs) { return _p != rhs._p; }
                Elem& operator *() const { return _p->_val; }
                Iter<T> operator + (int i)
                    Iter<T> iter = *this;
                    while (i-- > 0 && iter._p)
                    return iter;
            using iterator = Iter<Link<Elem>>;
            using const_iterator = Iter<const Link<Elem>>;
            List() { _size = 0; _first.reset (new Link<Elem>); _last.reset (new Link<Elem>);  _first -> _next = _last;}
             void add(const Elem &value)
                std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> newNode  (new Link<Elem>(value));
                newNode->_next = _first->_next;
                _first->_next = newNode;
            List(const List& rhs)
               _size = 0; _first.reset (new Link<Elem>); _last.reset (new Link<Elem>);  _first -> _next = _last;
                for(const_iterator i = rhs.cbegin(); i!= rhs.cend(); ++i)
            List(List&& rhs)
               _size = 0; _first.reset (new Link<Elem>); _last.reset (new Link<Elem>);  _first -> _next = _last;
                _size = rhs._size;
                _first = rhs._first;
                _last = rhs._last;
                rhs._size = 0;
                rhs._first = nullptr;
                rhs._last = nullptr;
            List& operator = (List rhs)
                swap(*this, rhs);
                return *this;
            List& operator = (List&& rhs)
                assert(this != &rhs);
                while (_first->_next != _last)
                _first = rhs._first;
                _last = rhs._last;
                _size = rhs._size;
                rhs._size = 0;
                rhs._first = nullptr;
                rhs._last = nullptr;
                return *this;
                while (_first->_next != _last)
            friend void swap(List& lhs, List& rhs)
                std::swap(lhs._size, rhs._size);
                std::swap(lhs._first, rhs._first);
                std::swap(lhs._last, rhs._last);
            void remove(iterator removeIter)
                std::shared_ptr<Link<Elem>> final = _first;
                iterator i = begin();
                while (i != removeIter)
                    final = i._p;
                if (i != end())
                    final->_next = i._p->_next;
            size_t getSize() const { return _size; }
            iterator begin()
                return iterator(_first->_next);
            const_iterator cbegin() const
                return iterator(_first->next);
            iterator end()
                return iterator(_last.get());
            const_iterator cend() const
                return iterator(_last.get());
    int main()
        std::initializer_list <std::string> myInitList {"Cambridge", "Oxford", "Imperial", "LSE"};
        test::List<std::string> myList;
        for (auto& e : myInitList)
        for (test::List<std::string>::iterator iter = myList.begin(); iter != myList.end(); ++iter)
            std::cout << *(iter) << ' ';
    Above are reference links used for this program */

  12. #12
    Registered User MutantJohn's Avatar
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    Your remove method for your list also looks like it's O(n). Maybe I'm wrong but I was under the impression that node removal from a list should be on the order of O(1). This should be a single operation that requires no iteration on your part.

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